Hydric hammock with a mosaic of species. Canopy (30-50 feet tall) varied with having Sabal palmetto, Quercus virginiana, Acer rubrum, Liquidambar styraciflua, or Quercus nigra as dominant. Understory less than 30 feet tall and includes same species as above and Juniperus virginiana, Pinus elliottii, Pinus taeda, Persea palustris, Ilex cassine, Cornus foemina. Shrub layer consists of Myrica cerifera, Ilex cassine, Diospyros virginiana, and Cornus foemina. Ground cover is flooded (to 2 feet deep) with dark (but clear) water. Ground cover includes Cladium jamaicense, Osmunda cinnamomea, and Woodwardia virginica. Fire has run through this site based on blackened bases of trees. To the west of the site are wet flatwoods. To the east, a marshy open area (firebreak?) is found. Less live oak as you go east due to lower elevation. Both Toxicodendron radicans and Phlebodium aureum occur in bases of cabbage palms.