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» Citation URL: http://vegbank.org/cite/VB.ob.27697.FTHD136
» Citing info
Plot ID Fields: 
Author Plot Code ? FTHD.136
Author Observation Code ? FTHD.136
Original Data Location ? Fort Hood Project,The Nature Conservancy; PO Box 5190, Fort Hood, TX 76544-0190
Location Fields: MAP: Google | Yahoo | TopoZone | MapQuest
Confidentiality Status ? 1 km radius (nearest 0.01 degree)
Latitude ? 31.15 º
Longitude ? -97.64 º
Author Location ? FTHD -- south of North Nolan Road -- ERC45
State or Province ? Texas
Country ? United States
Named Places
area|country|territory: United States
region|state|province: Texas
county: Bell
Layout Fields: 
Shape ? Square
Permanence ? not permanent
Environment Fields: 
Topographic Position ? Basin floor
Landform ? plain
Surficial Deposits ? Other
Landscape Narrative ? --
Hydrologic Regime ? Upland
Soil Drainage ? well drained
Percent Bedrock ? 0 %
Percent Rock / Gravel ? 0 %
Percent Wood ? 2 %
Percent Litter ? 96 %
Percent Bare Soil ? 2 %
Percent Water ? 0 %
Percent Other ? 0 %
Methods Fields: 
Observation Start Date ? 22-Jun-2006
Observation End Date ? 22-Jun-2006
Project ? Fort Hood Vegetation Map
Cover Method ? Fort Hood cover codes
Stratum Method ? National Park Service
Overall Taxon Cover Values are Automatically Calculated? ? no
Plot Quality Fields: 
Plot Validation Level ? (1) occurrence plot: sufficient for determining type occurrence
Overall Plot Vegetation Fields: 
--no data--
Misc Fields: 
Observation Narrative ? Large patch of Symphoricarpus orbiculatus Canopy completely dominated by Quercus stellata
Taxa occurring on this plot-observation
Change plant label:
Change Strata Shown:
ord Author Plant Name ?Original Interpretation, full Scientific Name ?Original Interpretation, Scientific Name without authors ?Original Interpretation, Common Name ?Original Interpretation, USDA Code ?Current Interpretation, full Scientific Name ?Current Interpretation, Scientific Name without authors ?Current Interpretation, Common Name ?Current Interpretation, USDA Code ? Stratum ?Cover ?Original Cover Code ?Basal Area ?Biomass ?Inference Area ? Stems: Stem Diameters (graphically):
1 Smilax bona-nox L. Smilax bona-nox L. Smilax bona-nox saw greenbrier Smilax bona-nox L. **   Smilax bona-nox L. Smilax bona-nox saw greenbrier Smilax bona-nox L. **   Short Shrub
3.5 %
4       -none-
2 Ulmus crassifolia Nutt. Ulmus crassifolia Nutt. Ulmus crassifolia cedar elm Ulmus crassifolia Nutt. **   Ulmus crassifolia Nutt. Ulmus crassifolia cedar elm Ulmus crassifolia Nutt. **   Short Shrub
3.5 %
4       -none-
3 Toxicodendron radicans (L.) Kuntze Toxicodendron radicans (L.) Kuntze Toxicodendron radicans eastern poison ivy Toxicodendron radicans (L.) Kuntze **   Toxicodendron radicans (L.) Kuntze Toxicodendron radicans eastern poison ivy Toxicodendron radicans (L.) Kuntze **   Short Shrub
1.5 %
3       -none-
4 Rubus aboriginum Rydb. Rubus aboriginum Rydb. Rubus aboriginum garden dewberry Rubus aboriginum Rydb. **   Rubus aboriginum Rydb. Rubus aboriginum garden dewberry Rubus aboriginum Rydb. **   Short Shrub
1.5 %
3       -none-
5 Bothriochloa ischaemum (L.) Keng var. songarica (Rupr. ex Fisch. & C.A. Mey.) Celarier & Harlan Bothriochloa ischaemum (L.) Keng var. songarica (Rupr. ex Fisch. & C.A. Mey.) Celarier & Harlan Bothriochloa ischaemum var. songarica yellow bluestem Bothriochloa ischaemum (L.) Keng var. songarica (Rupr. ex Fisch. & C.A. Mey.) Celarier & Harlan **   Bothriochloa ischaemum (L.) Keng var. songarica (Rupr. ex Fisch. & C.A. Mey.) Celarier & Harlan Bothriochloa ischaemum var. songarica yellow bluestem Bothriochloa ischaemum (L.) Keng var. songarica (Rupr. ex Fisch. & C.A. Mey.) Celarier & Harlan **   Herbaceous
62.5 %
8       -none-
6 Andropogon gerardii Vitman Andropogon gerardii Vitman Andropogon gerardii big bluestem Andropogon gerardii Vitman **   Andropogon gerardii Vitman Andropogon gerardii big bluestem Andropogon gerardii Vitman **   Herbaceous
7.5 %
5       -none-
7 Bromus japonicus Thunb. ex Murr. Bromus japonicus Thunb. ex Murr. Bromus japonicus Japanese brome Bromus japonicus Thunb. ex Murr. **   Bromus japonicus Thunb. ex Murr. Bromus japonicus Japanese brome Bromus japonicus Thunb. ex Murr. **   Herbaceous
3.5 %
4       -none-
8 Schizachyrium scoparium (Michx.) Nash Schizachyrium scoparium (Michx.) Nash Schizachyrium scoparium little bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium (Michx.) Nash **   Schizachyrium scoparium (Michx.) Nash Schizachyrium scoparium little bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium (Michx.) Nash **   Herbaceous
3.5 %
4       -none-
9 Carex L. Carex L. Carex sedge Carex L. **   Carex L. Carex sedge Carex L. **   Herbaceous
3.5 %
4       -none-
10 Eragrostis intermedia A.S. Hitchc. Eragrostis intermedia A.S. Hitchc. Eragrostis intermedia plains lovegrass Eragrostis intermedia A.S. Hitchc. **   Eragrostis intermedia A.S. Hitchc. Eragrostis intermedia plains lovegrass Eragrostis intermedia A.S. Hitchc. **   Herbaceous
1.5 %
3       -none-
11 Grindelia lanceolata Nutt. Grindelia lanceolata Nutt. Grindelia lanceolata narrowleaf gumweed Grindelia lanceolata Nutt. **   Grindelia lanceolata Nutt. Grindelia lanceolata narrowleaf gumweed Grindelia lanceolata Nutt. **   Herbaceous
1.5 %
3       -none-
12 Lespedeza virginica (L.) Britt. Lespedeza virginica (L.) Britt. Lespedeza virginica slender lespedeza Lespedeza virginica (L.) Britt. **   Lespedeza virginica (L.) Britt. Lespedeza virginica slender lespedeza Lespedeza virginica (L.) Britt. **   Herbaceous
1.5 %
3       -none-
13 Ambrosia psilostachya DC. Ambrosia psilostachya DC. Ambrosia psilostachya Cuman ragweed Ambrosia psilostachya DC. **   Ambrosia psilostachya DC. Ambrosia psilostachya Cuman ragweed Ambrosia psilostachya DC. **   Herbaceous
1.5 %
3       -none-
14 Carex muehlenbergii Schkuhr ex Willd. Carex muehlenbergii Schkuhr ex Willd. Carex muehlenbergii Muhlenberg's sedge Carex muehlenbergii Schkuhr ex Willd. **   Carex muehlenbergii Schkuhr ex Willd. Carex muehlenbergii Muhlenberg's sedge Carex muehlenbergii Schkuhr ex Willd. **   Herbaceous
0.5 %
2       -none-
15 Croton monanthogynus Michx. Croton monanthogynus Michx. Croton monanthogynus prairie tea Croton monanthogynus Michx. **   Croton monanthogynus Michx. Croton monanthogynus prairie tea Croton monanthogynus Michx. **   Herbaceous
0.5 %
2       -none-
16 Dichanthelium (A.S. Hitchc. & Chase) Gould Dichanthelium (A.S. Hitchc. & Chase) Gould Dichanthelium rosette grass Dichanthelium (A.S. Hitchc. & Chase) Gould **   Dichanthelium (A.S. Hitchc. & Chase) Gould Dichanthelium rosette grass Dichanthelium (A.S. Hitchc. & Chase) Gould **   Herbaceous
0.5 %
2       -none-
17 Euphorbia cyathophora Murr. Euphorbia cyathophora Murr. Euphorbia cyathophora fire on the mountain Euphorbia cyathophora Murr. **   Euphorbia cyathophora Murr. Euphorbia cyathophora fire on the mountain Euphorbia cyathophora Murr. **   Herbaceous
0.05 %
1       -none-
18 Melilotus indica (L.) All. Melilotus indica (L.) All. Melilotus indica sourclover Melilotus indica (L.) All. **   Melilotus indica (L.) All. Melilotus indica sourclover Melilotus indica (L.) All. **   Herbaceous
0.05 %
1       -none-
This table is SORTABLE. Click the headers to sort ascending and descending.

Stratum Definitions:
Stratum Type ?Stratum Base ?Stratum Height ?Stratum Cover ?
Tall Shrub 1 m 2 m  
Sub-Canopy 2 m 4 m  
Short Shrub 0 m 1 m  
Canopy 4 m 8 m  
Emergent 8 m    
This table is SORTABLE. Click the headers to sort ascending and descending.
Observation Contributors:
No Observation Contributors found.
Community Classification:
No communties have been assigned to this plot.

User Defined Values
No User Defined Data for this plot