Drive to Polebridge, through Polebridge Entrance Station into Glacier Park. Take North Fork Road past Bowman Lake turnoff. Continue about 2 miles to where road widens and park. Hike about 0.25 mi at a 12 degree bearing. Plot is in a grassy meadow.
Trees have established since Red Bench Fire. One cored is 8 yrs old. Others are younger. Plot is in a concave swale. Fire evidence in trees & shrubs. Very thick litter layer.
Representative of a less disturbed prairie in the area. Surrounding areas are often more disturbed
Silty clay. Very light in texture and brown in color.
Disturbance Data:
Disturbance Type
Disturbance Intensity
Disturbance Comment
Fire evidence (1988 Red Bench Fire). One PINCON survived the burn. Burned Sagebrush stump just outside of plot. Leafy spurge appears to be more abundant where there is less disturbance.
Animal, general
Badger den just outside of plot. Several Ground squirrel holes in plot and many in area.