Park at Walton R.S.; hike S Boundary to Scalplock Trail; go up Scalplock Trail to 3rd switchback; at 3rd switchback, continue off trail heading N; cross major creek by staying along contour line (give or take); head up slope again once you cross creek to
Overall Taxon Cover Values are Automatically Calculated?
Stem Sample Method
full census
Plot Quality Fields:
Effort Level
Plot Validation Level
(2) classification plot: sufficient for inclusion in a classification revision
Floristic Quality
High but incomplete
Bryophyte Quality
Very incomplete
Lichen Quality
Very incomplete
Overall Plot Vegetation Fields:
--no data--
Misc Fields:
Observation Narrative
Very gravelly soil (angular); yellow brown soil; forest/woodland with patchy overstory, large openings that are more shrubby openings also have more CALRUB, CHAANG, ASTCON, and tall shrubs; moderately large PSEMEN (many 15+" dbh) dominate plot with scatt