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» Citation URL: http://vegbank.org/cite/VB.ob.78774.068FRMA20
» Citing info
Plot ID Fields: 
Author Plot Code ? 068-FRMA-20
Author Observation Code ? 068-FRMA-20
Location Fields: MAP: Google | Yahoo | TopoZone | MapQuest
Location Accuracy ? 300 m
Confidentiality Status ? exact location
Latitude ? 33.2610867147926 º
Longitude ? -79.5656024828431 º
Author Location ? Price Landing Echaw Creek #1
State or Province ? South Carolina
Named Places
county: Charleston
region|state|province: South Carolina
Layout Fields: 
Shape ? Rectangular
Area ? 1000
Permanence ? not permanent
Environment Fields: 
Slope Aspect ? (n/a, flat) º
Slope Gradient ? 0 º
Topographic Position ? Low level
Landform ? flood plain
Hydrologic Regime ? Semipermanently flooded
Percent Wood ? 5 %
Percent Litter ? 95 %
Methods Fields: 
Observation Start Date ? 21-Oct-2002
Project ? FMNF - NatureServe
Cover Method ? Carolina Vegetation Survey
Stratum Method ? National Park Service
Taxon Observation Area ? 1000
Overall Taxon Cover Values are Automatically Calculated? ? no
Plot Quality Fields: 
Plot Validation Level ? (2) classification plot: sufficient for inclusion in a classification revision
Overall Plot Vegetation Fields: 
--no data--
Misc Fields: 
Observation Narrative ? swamp dominated by Nyssa aquatica with water marks about 1.5m high; just north of landing; lack of large cypress, prominent water line on trunks; standing water across about 60% of plot during drought; Disturbance Comments: past logging; Other Comments: point data lost, estimated position marked on quad sheet
Taxa occurring on this plot-observation
Change plant label:
Change Strata Shown:
ord Author Plant Name ?Original Interpretation, full Scientific Name ?Original Interpretation, Scientific Name without authors ?Original Interpretation, Common Name ?Original Interpretation, USDA Code ?Current Interpretation, full Scientific Name ?Current Interpretation, Scientific Name without authors ?Current Interpretation, Common Name ?Current Interpretation, USDA Code ? Stratum ?Cover ?Original Cover Code ?Basal Area ?Biomass ?Inference Area ? Stems: Stem Diameters (graphically):
1 Nyssa aquatica Nyssa aquatica L. Nyssa aquatica water tupelo Nyssa aquatica **   Nyssa aquatica L. Nyssa aquatica water tupelo Nyssa aquatica **   Canopy
62.5 %
8       -none-
2 Taxodium distichum Taxodium distichum (L.) L.C. Rich. Taxodium distichum bald cypress Taxodium distichum **   Taxodium distichum (L.) L.C. Rich. Taxodium distichum bald cypress Taxodium distichum **   Canopy
17.5 %
6       -none-
3 Acer rubrum Acer rubrum L. Acer rubrum red maple Acer rubrum **   Acer rubrum L. Acer rubrum red maple Acer rubrum **   Canopy
7.5 %
5       -none-
4 Nyssa aquatica Nyssa aquatica L. Nyssa aquatica water tupelo Nyssa aquatica **   Nyssa aquatica L. Nyssa aquatica water tupelo Nyssa aquatica **   Sub-Canopy
37.5 %
7       -none-
5 Acer rubrum Acer rubrum L. Acer rubrum red maple Acer rubrum **   Acer rubrum L. Acer rubrum red maple Acer rubrum **   Sub-Canopy
7.5 %
5       -none-
6 Populus heterophylla Populus heterophylla L. Populus heterophylla swamp cottonwood Populus heterophylla **   Populus heterophylla L. Populus heterophylla swamp cottonwood Populus heterophylla **   Sub-Canopy
3.5 %
4       -none-
7 Taxodium distichum Taxodium distichum (L.) L.C. Rich. Taxodium distichum bald cypress Taxodium distichum **   Taxodium distichum (L.) L.C. Rich. Taxodium distichum bald cypress Taxodium distichum **   Sub-Canopy
3.5 %
4       -none-
8 Ulmus americana Ulmus americana L. Ulmus americana American elm Ulmus americana **   Ulmus americana L. Ulmus americana American elm Ulmus americana **   Sub-Canopy
1.5 %
3       -none-
9 Planera aquatica Planera aquatica J.F. Gmel. Planera aquatica planertree Planera aquatica **   Planera aquatica J.F. Gmel. Planera aquatica planertree Planera aquatica **   Sub-Canopy
1.5 %
3       -none-
10 Quercus laurifolia Quercus laurifolia Michx. Quercus laurifolia laurel oak Quercus laurifolia **   Quercus laurifolia Michx. Quercus laurifolia laurel oak Quercus laurifolia **   Tall Shrub
3.5 %
4       -none-
11 Crataegus marshallii Crataegus marshallii Egglest. Crataegus marshallii parsley hawthorn Crataegus marshallii **   Crataegus marshallii Egglest. Crataegus marshallii parsley hawthorn Crataegus marshallii **   Tall Shrub
1.5 %
3       -none-
12 Cornus foemina Cornus foemina P. Mill. Cornus foemina stiff dogwood Cornus foemina **   Cornus foemina P. Mill. Cornus foemina stiff dogwood Cornus foemina **   Short Shrub
0.505 %
2       -none-
13 Boehmeria cylindrica Boehmeria cylindrica (L.) Sw. Boehmeria cylindrica smallspike false nettle Boehmeria cylindrica **   Boehmeria cylindrica (L.) Sw. Boehmeria cylindrica smallspike false nettle Boehmeria cylindrica **   Herbaceous
0.505 %
2       -none-
14 Hydrocotyle Hydrocotyle L. Hydrocotyle hydrocotyle Hydrocotyle **   Hydrocotyle L. Hydrocotyle hydrocotyle Hydrocotyle **   Herbaceous
0.05 %
1       -none-
15 Berchemia scandens Berchemia scandens (Hill) K. Koch Berchemia scandens Alabama supplejack Berchemia scandens **   Berchemia scandens (Hill) K. Koch Berchemia scandens Alabama supplejack Berchemia scandens **   Vine/Liana
0.05 %
1       -none-
This table is SORTABLE. Click the headers to sort ascending and descending.

Stratum Definitions:
Stratum Type ?Stratum Base ?Stratum Height ?Stratum Cover ?
Canopy     80 %
Sub-Canopy     40 %
Tall Shrub     10 %
Short Shrub      
This table is SORTABLE. Click the headers to sort ascending and descending.
Observation Contributors:
Party ?Role ?
Krueger, E. Author
Nordman, Carl Author
Community Classification:
More Classification Start Date ? Community AssignmentsContributors
Details 11-Sep-2012
Community Concept ?Class Fit ?Class Confidence ?Community Authority Reference ?Typal ?
Taxodium distichum - Nyssa aquatica / Fraxinus caroliniana Floodplain Forest       no
No Class Contributors.

Soil Observations:
Soil Horizon ?Soil Depth Top ?Soil Depth Bottom ?Soil Color ?Soil Organic ?Soil Texture ?Soil Sand ?Soil Silt ?Soil Clay ?Soil Coarse ?Soil PH ?Exchange Capacity ?Base Saturation ?Soil Description ?
unknown         Clay loam               river-deposited sediments

User Defined Values
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