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» Citation URL: http://vegbank.org/cite/VB.ob.78807.126010153
» Citing info
Plot ID Fields: 
Author Plot Code ? 126-01-0153
Author Observation Code ? 126-01-0153
Location Fields: MAP: Google | Yahoo | TopoZone | MapQuest
Location Accuracy ? 6.6 m
Confidentiality Status ? 10 km radius (nearest 0.1 degree)
Latitude ? 33.2 º
Longitude ? -79.6 º
Author Location ? Francis Marion National Forest
Location Narrative ? most pondberry within plot in small clearing between cluster of young pines and shrubby wall of persea and lyonia
State or Province ? South Carolina
Named Places
county: Berkeley
region|state|province: South Carolina
Geographic Name: Honey Hill
Layout Fields: 
Area ? 100
Permanence ? not permanent
Environment Fields: 
Elevation ? 60 m
Methods Fields: 
Observation Start Date ? 10-Aug-2010
Project ? Lindera melissifolia survey
Cover Method ? Carolina Vegetation Survey
Stratum Method ? NVC Standard 2004
Taxon Observation Area ? 100
Overall Taxon Cover Values are Automatically Calculated? ? no
Stem Observation Area ? 100
Plot Quality Fields: 
Plot Validation Level ? (2) classification plot: sufficient for inclusion in a classification revision
Overall Plot Vegetation Fields: 
--no data--
Misc Fields: 
Observation Narrative ? plot on patch of upland, surrounded by a limesink to the SE (closest in proximity), to the NE, N, and S/SW; strip of upland continues to the SW and S; many p. taeda coming in around plot; closest pond dominated by t. ascendens, numerous dead t. ascendens saplings in pond; surrounding pond is p. taeda, acer, persea, i. opaca, q. nigra, l. lucida, to N is grassy zone; this plot look very differeint from other at honey hill due to pines
Taxa occurring on this plot-observation
Change plant label:
Change Strata Shown:
ord Author Plant Name ?Original Interpretation, full Scientific Name ?Original Interpretation, Scientific Name without authors ?Original Interpretation, Common Name ?Original Interpretation, USDA Code ?Current Interpretation, full Scientific Name ?Current Interpretation, Scientific Name without authors ?Current Interpretation, Common Name ?Current Interpretation, USDA Code ? Stratum ?Cover ?Original Cover Code ?Basal Area ?Biomass ?Inference Area ? Stems: Stem Diameters (graphically):
1 Persea palustris Persea palustris **   Persea palustris **   Persea palustris **   Persea palustris **   Persea palustris **   Persea palustris **   Persea palustris **   Persea palustris **   Tree
37.5 %
7       -none-
2 Liquidambar styraciflua Liquidambar styraciflua **   Liquidambar styraciflua **   Liquidambar styraciflua **   Liquidambar styraciflua **   Liquidambar styraciflua **   Liquidambar styraciflua **   Liquidambar styraciflua **   Liquidambar styraciflua **   Tree
17.5 %
6       -none-
3 Acer rubrum Acer rubrum **   Acer rubrum **   Acer rubrum **   Acer rubrum **   Acer rubrum **   Acer rubrum **   Acer rubrum **   Acer rubrum **   Tree
3.5 %
4       -none-
4 Taxodium ascendens Taxodium ascendens **   Taxodium ascendens **   Taxodium ascendens **   Taxodium ascendens **   Taxodium ascendens **   Taxodium ascendens **   Taxodium ascendens **   Taxodium ascendens **   Tree
3.5 %
4       -none-
5 Ilex cassine Ilex cassine **   Ilex cassine **   Ilex cassine **   Ilex cassine **   Ilex cassine **   Ilex cassine **   Ilex cassine **   Ilex cassine **   Tree
1.5 %
3       -none-
6 Quercus nigra Quercus nigra **   Quercus nigra **   Quercus nigra **   Quercus nigra **   Quercus nigra **   Quercus nigra **   Quercus nigra **   Quercus nigra **   Tree
0.505 %
2       -none-
7 Pinus taeda Pinus taeda **   Pinus taeda **   Pinus taeda **   Pinus taeda **   Pinus taeda **   Pinus taeda **   Pinus taeda **   Pinus taeda **   Shrub
17.5 %
6       -none-
8 Andropogon sp. Andropogon sp. **   Andropogon sp. **   Andropogon sp. **   Andropogon sp. **   Andropogon sp. **   Andropogon sp. **   Andropogon sp. **   Andropogon sp. **   Herb
7.5 %
5       -none-
9 Carex glaucescens Carex glaucescens **   Carex glaucescens **   Carex glaucescens **   Carex glaucescens **   Carex glaucescens **   Carex glaucescens **   Carex glaucescens **   Carex glaucescens **   Herb
7.5 %
5       -none-
10 Lyonia lucida Lyonia lucida **   Lyonia lucida **   Lyonia lucida **   Lyonia lucida **   Lyonia lucida **   Lyonia lucida **   Lyonia lucida **   Lyonia lucida **   Herb
3.5 %
4       -none-
11 Dichanthelium sp. Dichanthelium sp. **   Dichanthelium sp. **   Dichanthelium sp. **   Dichanthelium sp. **   Dichanthelium sp. **   Dichanthelium sp. **   Dichanthelium sp. **   Dichanthelium sp. **   Herb
0.505 %
2       -none-
12 Dichanthelium strigosum Dichanthelium strigosum **   Dichanthelium strigosum **   Dichanthelium strigosum **   Dichanthelium strigosum **   Dichanthelium strigosum **   Dichanthelium strigosum **   Dichanthelium strigosum **   Dichanthelium strigosum **   Herb
0.505 %
2       -none-
13 Toxicodendron radicans Toxicodendron radicans **   Toxicodendron radicans **   Toxicodendron radicans **   Toxicodendron radicans **   Toxicodendron radicans **   Toxicodendron radicans **   Toxicodendron radicans **   Toxicodendron radicans **   Herb
0.505 %
2       -none-
14 Litsea aestivalis Litsea aestivalis **   Litsea aestivalis **   Litsea aestivalis **   Litsea aestivalis **   Litsea aestivalis **   Litsea aestivalis **   Litsea aestivalis **   Litsea aestivalis **   Herb
0.505 %
2       -none-
15 Panicum sp. Panicum sp. **   Panicum sp. **   Panicum sp. **   Panicum sp. **   Panicum sp. **   Panicum sp. **   Panicum sp. **   Panicum sp. **   Herb
0.505 %
2       -none-
16 Dichanthelium species 10 Dichanthelium species 10 **   Dichanthelium species 10 **   Dichanthelium species 10 **   Dichanthelium species 10 **   Dichanthelium species 10 **   Dichanthelium species 10 **   Dichanthelium species 10 **   Dichanthelium species 10 **   Herb
0.505 %
2       -none-
17 Poaceae sp. #2 Poaceae sp. #2 **   Poaceae sp. #2 **   Poaceae sp. #2 **   Poaceae sp. #2 **   Poaceae sp. #2 **   Poaceae sp. #2 **   Poaceae sp. #2 **   Poaceae sp. #2 **   Herb
0.505 %
2       -none-
18 Poaceae sp. Poaceae sp. **   Poaceae sp. **   Poaceae sp. **   Poaceae sp. **   Poaceae sp. **   Poaceae sp. **   Poaceae sp. **   Poaceae sp. **   Herb
0.505 %
2       -none-
19 Cyperaceae sp. #2 Cyperaceae sp. #2 **   Cyperaceae sp. #2 **   Cyperaceae sp. #2 **   Cyperaceae sp. #2 **   Cyperaceae sp. #2 **   Cyperaceae sp. #2 **   Cyperaceae sp. #2 **   Cyperaceae sp. #2 **   Herb
0.505 %
2       -none-
20 Ilex opaca Ilex opaca **   Ilex opaca **   Ilex opaca **   Ilex opaca **   Ilex opaca **   Ilex opaca **   Ilex opaca **   Ilex opaca **   Herb
0.505 %
2       -none-
21 Eupatorium capillifolium Eupatorium capillifolium **   Eupatorium capillifolium **   Eupatorium capillifolium **   Eupatorium capillifolium **   Eupatorium capillifolium **   Eupatorium capillifolium **   Eupatorium capillifolium **   Eupatorium capillifolium **   Herb
0.505 %
2       -none-
22 Cyperaceae sp. Cyperaceae sp. **   Cyperaceae sp. **   Cyperaceae sp. **   Cyperaceae sp. **   Cyperaceae sp. **   Cyperaceae sp. **   Cyperaceae sp. **   Cyperaceae sp. **   Herb
0.505 %
2       -none-
23 Smilax auriculata Smilax auriculata **   Smilax auriculata **   Smilax auriculata **   Smilax auriculata **   Smilax auriculata **   Smilax auriculata **   Smilax auriculata **   Smilax auriculata **   Herb
0.505 %
2       -none-
24 Lindera melissifolia Lindera melissifolia **   Lindera melissifolia **   Lindera melissifolia **   Lindera melissifolia **   Lindera melissifolia **   Lindera melissifolia **   Lindera melissifolia **   Lindera melissifolia **   Herb
0.505 %
2       -none-
25 Quercus nigra Quercus nigra **   Quercus nigra **   Quercus nigra **   Quercus nigra **   Quercus nigra **   Quercus nigra **   Quercus nigra **   Quercus nigra **   Herb
0.505 %
2       -none-
26 Gelsemium sempervirens Gelsemium sempervirens **   Gelsemium sempervirens **   Gelsemium sempervirens **   Gelsemium sempervirens **   Gelsemium sempervirens **   Gelsemium sempervirens **   Gelsemium sempervirens **   Gelsemium sempervirens **   Herb
0.505 %
2       -none-
27 Dichanthelium strigosum var. leucoblepharis Dichanthelium strigosum var. leucoblepharis **   Dichanthelium strigosum var. leucoblepharis **   Dichanthelium strigosum var. leucoblepharis **   Dichanthelium strigosum var. leucoblepharis **   Dichanthelium strigosum var. leucoblepharis **   Dichanthelium strigosum var. leucoblepharis **   Dichanthelium strigosum var. leucoblepharis **   Dichanthelium strigosum var. leucoblepharis **   Herb
0.505 %
2       -none-
28 Coelorachis rugosa Coelorachis rugosa **   Coelorachis rugosa **   Coelorachis rugosa **   Coelorachis rugosa **   Coelorachis rugosa **   Coelorachis rugosa **   Coelorachis rugosa **   Coelorachis rugosa **   Herb
0.505 %
2       -none-
29 Nyssa biflora Nyssa biflora **   Nyssa biflora **   Nyssa biflora **   Nyssa biflora **   Nyssa biflora **   Nyssa biflora **   Nyssa biflora **   Nyssa biflora **   module          
DBH ?DBH err ?Ht. ?Ht. Err ?# ?
22.5 cm ± 2.5 cm     2 stem(s)
stem stem
30 Persea palustris Persea palustris **   Persea palustris **   Persea palustris **   Persea palustris **   Persea palustris **   Persea palustris **   Persea palustris **   Persea palustris **   module
37.5 %
DBH ?DBH err ?Ht. ?Ht. Err ?# ?
0.5 cm ± 0.5 cm     5 stem(s)
1.75 cm ± 0.75 cm     9 stem(s)
3.75 cm ± 1.25 cm     5 stem(s)
stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem
31 Pinus taeda Pinus taeda **   Pinus taeda **   Pinus taeda **   Pinus taeda **   Pinus taeda **   Pinus taeda **   Pinus taeda **   Pinus taeda **   module
17.5 %
DBH ?DBH err ?Ht. ?Ht. Err ?# ?
0.5 cm ± 0.5 cm     19 stem(s)
1.75 cm ± 0.75 cm     19 stem(s)
stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem
32 Liquidambar styraciflua Liquidambar styraciflua **   Liquidambar styraciflua **   Liquidambar styraciflua **   Liquidambar styraciflua **   Liquidambar styraciflua **   Liquidambar styraciflua **   Liquidambar styraciflua **   Liquidambar styraciflua **   module
17.5 %
DBH ?DBH err ?Ht. ?Ht. Err ?# ?
3.75 cm ± 1.25 cm     3 stem(s)
22.5 cm ± 2.5 cm     1 stem(s)
stem stem stem stem
33 Andropogon sp. Andropogon sp. **   Andropogon sp. **   Andropogon sp. **   Andropogon sp. **   Andropogon sp. **   Andropogon sp. **   Andropogon sp. **   Andropogon sp. **   module
7.5 %
5       -none-
34 Carex glaucescens Carex glaucescens **   Carex glaucescens **   Carex glaucescens **   Carex glaucescens **   Carex glaucescens **   Carex glaucescens **   Carex glaucescens **   Carex glaucescens **   module
7.5 %
5       -none-
35 Lyonia lucida Lyonia lucida **   Lyonia lucida **   Lyonia lucida **   Lyonia lucida **   Lyonia lucida **   Lyonia lucida **   Lyonia lucida **   Lyonia lucida **   module
3.5 %
4       -none-
36 Taxodium ascendens Taxodium ascendens **   Taxodium ascendens **   Taxodium ascendens **   Taxodium ascendens **   Taxodium ascendens **   Taxodium ascendens **   Taxodium ascendens **   Taxodium ascendens **   module
3.5 %
DBH ?DBH err ?Ht. ?Ht. Err ?# ?
0.5 cm ± 0.5 cm     2 stem(s)
12.5 cm ± 2.5 cm     1 stem(s)
stem stem stem
37 Acer rubrum Acer rubrum **   Acer rubrum **   Acer rubrum **   Acer rubrum **   Acer rubrum **   Acer rubrum **   Acer rubrum **   Acer rubrum **   module
3.5 %
4       -none-
38 Ilex cassine Ilex cassine **   Ilex cassine **   Ilex cassine **   Ilex cassine **   Ilex cassine **   Ilex cassine **   Ilex cassine **   Ilex cassine **   module
1.5 %
3       -none-
39 Cyperaceae sp. #2 Cyperaceae sp. #2 **   Cyperaceae sp. #2 **   Cyperaceae sp. #2 **   Cyperaceae sp. #2 **   Cyperaceae sp. #2 **   Cyperaceae sp. #2 **   Cyperaceae sp. #2 **   Cyperaceae sp. #2 **   module
0.505 %
2       -none-
40 Panicum sp. Panicum sp. **   Panicum sp. **   Panicum sp. **   Panicum sp. **   Panicum sp. **   Panicum sp. **   Panicum sp. **   Panicum sp. **   module
0.505 %
2       -none-
41 Toxicodendron radicans Toxicodendron radicans **   Toxicodendron radicans **   Toxicodendron radicans **   Toxicodendron radicans **   Toxicodendron radicans **   Toxicodendron radicans **   Toxicodendron radicans **   Toxicodendron radicans **   module
0.505 %
2       -none-
42 Litsea aestivalis Litsea aestivalis **   Litsea aestivalis **   Litsea aestivalis **   Litsea aestivalis **   Litsea aestivalis **   Litsea aestivalis **   Litsea aestivalis **   Litsea aestivalis **   module
0.505 %
2       -none-
43 Dichanthelium strigosum Dichanthelium strigosum **   Dichanthelium strigosum **   Dichanthelium strigosum **   Dichanthelium strigosum **   Dichanthelium strigosum **   Dichanthelium strigosum **   Dichanthelium strigosum **   Dichanthelium strigosum **   module
0.505 %
2       -none-
44 Dichanthelium strigosum var. leucoblepharis Dichanthelium strigosum var. leucoblepharis **   Dichanthelium strigosum var. leucoblepharis **   Dichanthelium strigosum var. leucoblepharis **   Dichanthelium strigosum var. leucoblepharis **   Dichanthelium strigosum var. leucoblepharis **   Dichanthelium strigosum var. leucoblepharis **   Dichanthelium strigosum var. leucoblepharis **   Dichanthelium strigosum var. leucoblepharis **   module
0.505 %
2       -none-
45 Dichanthelium sp. Dichanthelium sp. **   Dichanthelium sp. **   Dichanthelium sp. **   Dichanthelium sp. **   Dichanthelium sp. **   Dichanthelium sp. **   Dichanthelium sp. **   Dichanthelium sp. **   module
0.505 %
2       -none-
46 Quercus nigra Quercus nigra **   Quercus nigra **   Quercus nigra **   Quercus nigra **   Quercus nigra **   Quercus nigra **   Quercus nigra **   Quercus nigra **   module
0.505 %
2       -none-
47 Gelsemium sempervirens Gelsemium sempervirens **   Gelsemium sempervirens **   Gelsemium sempervirens **   Gelsemium sempervirens **   Gelsemium sempervirens **   Gelsemium sempervirens **   Gelsemium sempervirens **   Gelsemium sempervirens **   module
0.505 %
2       -none-
48 Lindera melissifolia Lindera melissifolia **   Lindera melissifolia **   Lindera melissifolia **   Lindera melissifolia **   Lindera melissifolia **   Lindera melissifolia **   Lindera melissifolia **   Lindera melissifolia **   module
0.505 %
2       -none-
49 Smilax auriculata Smilax auriculata **   Smilax auriculata **   Smilax auriculata **   Smilax auriculata **   Smilax auriculata **   Smilax auriculata **   Smilax auriculata **   Smilax auriculata **   module
0.505 %
2       -none-
50 Cyperaceae sp. Cyperaceae sp. **   Cyperaceae sp. **   Cyperaceae sp. **   Cyperaceae sp. **   Cyperaceae sp. **   Cyperaceae sp. **   Cyperaceae sp. **   Cyperaceae sp. **   module
0.505 %
2       -none-
51 Ilex opaca Ilex opaca **   Ilex opaca **   Ilex opaca **   Ilex opaca **   Ilex opaca **   Ilex opaca **   Ilex opaca **   Ilex opaca **   module
0.505 %
2       -none-
52 Eupatorium capillifolium Eupatorium capillifolium **   Eupatorium capillifolium **   Eupatorium capillifolium **   Eupatorium capillifolium **   Eupatorium capillifolium **   Eupatorium capillifolium **   Eupatorium capillifolium **   Eupatorium capillifolium **   module
0.505 %
2       -none-
53 Poaceae sp. Poaceae sp. **   Poaceae sp. **   Poaceae sp. **   Poaceae sp. **   Poaceae sp. **   Poaceae sp. **   Poaceae sp. **   Poaceae sp. **   module
0.505 %
2       -none-
54 Coelorachis rugosa Coelorachis rugosa **   Coelorachis rugosa **   Coelorachis rugosa **   Coelorachis rugosa **   Coelorachis rugosa **   Coelorachis rugosa **   Coelorachis rugosa **   Coelorachis rugosa **   module
0.505 %
2       -none-
55 Dichanthelium species 10 Dichanthelium species 10 **   Dichanthelium species 10 **   Dichanthelium species 10 **   Dichanthelium species 10 **   Dichanthelium species 10 **   Dichanthelium species 10 **   Dichanthelium species 10 **   Dichanthelium species 10 **   module
0.505 %
2       -none-
56 Poaceae sp. #2 Poaceae sp. #2 **   Poaceae sp. #2 **   Poaceae sp. #2 **   Poaceae sp. #2 **   Poaceae sp. #2 **   Poaceae sp. #2 **   Poaceae sp. #2 **   Poaceae sp. #2 **   module
0.505 %
2       -none-
This table is SORTABLE. Click the headers to sort ascending and descending.

Stratum Definitions:
Stratum Type ?Stratum Base ?Stratum Height ?Stratum Cover ?
Tree 3 m 30 m 40 %
Shrub 1 m 3 m 50 %
Herb 0 m 1 m 30 %
This table is SORTABLE. Click the headers to sort ascending and descending.
Observation Contributors:
Party ?Role ?
Beckley, Anne PI
MATTHEWS, Anna Field assistant
Community Classification:
More Classification Start Date ? Community AssignmentsContributors
Details 13-Dec-2012
Community Concept ?Class Fit ?Class Confidence ?Community Authority Reference ?Typal ?
Nyssa biflora - Quercus nigra - Quercus laurifolia - Pinus taeda / Carpinus caroliniana Riparian Forest 2     no
Beckley, Anne

User Defined Values
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