A2 - Wickecheoke South
» Citation URL: http://vegbank.org/cite/urn:lsid:vegbank.org/vegbranch:observation:42-{13EE6BC4-EE39-4FFF-80EA-39BACC84869C}
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Plot ID Fields: | |
Author Plot Code ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
A2 - Wickecheoke South
Author Observation Code ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
A2 - Wickecheoke South
Original Data Location ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
NJ Natural Heritage Program, NJDEP Division of Parks and Forestry, Office of Natural Lands Management, 22 S. Clinton Ave, Plaza Bldg 4, Fl. 4, PO Box 404 Trenton, NJ, 08625-0404
Location Fields: |
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Location Accuracy ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
Confidentiality Status ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
exact location
Latitude ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
Longitude ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
Author Location ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
Wickecheoke Creek at Sergeantsville - South
Location Narrative ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
From covered bridge W of Sergeantsville, turn N immediately after bridge, go 1.25 mi to #56 Upper Creek Rd. Take driveway to end. See owner. Go to SW corner of adjacent field. Go WSW down slope to hemlock forest.
State or Province ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
New Jersey
Country ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
United States
Named Places |
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Shape ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
Area ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
Permanence ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
permanent plot
Layout Narrative ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
Lat/long given for plot center. Coordinates for plot corners were not obtained. Plot is 20x20m.
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Elevation ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
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Topographic Position ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
Low level
Landscape Narrative ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
General Landscape Description: Floodplain forest lying on the W bank of the Wickecheoke Creek, between a rocky streamside herbaceous community and a rocky mesic slope. This section of floodplain, xeric in nature is dominated by old, large Tsuga canadensis (emergent) and Acer saccharum (canopy and understory). Terrain is rocky with only a thin layer of soil. Herbaceous and shrub layers consist predominantly of Acer saccharum seedlings with little else. Community is mostly free of invasive species except for where there are openings in the canopy (further uphill). Floodplain ends to the E at an old dry streambed.;
Soil Texture: Organic - peat; Mineral - sandy loam
Von Post scale of peat decomposition: H6;
Organic Soil Horizon Type: Mor.
Hydrologic Regime ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
Seasonally flooded
Soil Moisture Regime ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
Soil Drainage ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
well drained
Water Depth ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
Percent Rock / Gravel ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
Percent Wood ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
Percent Litter ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
Percent Bare Soil ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
Stand Maturity ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
Even-age, aggrading
Successional Status ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
successional where Ulmus americana has died out - invasive species have come in
Methods Fields: | |
Observation Start Date ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
Observation End Date ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
Project ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
NJ Mark Wong
Cover Method ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
Domin Cover Scale
Stratum Method ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
National Park Service
Taxon Observation Area ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
Cover Dispersion ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
Overall Taxon Cover Values are Automatically Calculated? ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
Stem Observation Area ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
Plot Quality Fields: | |
Plot Validation Level ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
(1) occurrence plot: sufficient for determining type occurrence
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Dominant Stratum ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
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Observation Narrative ![?](http://vegbank.org/vegbank/images/question.gif) |
Community Type: non-tidal floodplain forest
General Description: Floodplain forest located between streamside herbaceous community to the E and a dry streambed and mesic woods to the W. A stand of tall Tsuga canadensis about 50' wide occupies E edge of the community. Acer saccharum is found as an understory tree. Westward, Acer saccharum with Quercus alba and Q. rubra are the dominant tree species. Under the hemlock, the shrub and forb layer is thin to nonexistent, with only Podophyllum peltatum, Acer saccharum seedlings, and Aster divaricatus measuring more than a trace. Under the hardwoods, shrubs and forbs become much thicker. Lindera benzoin is the dominant shrub, and dominant forbs Podophyllum, Aster divaricatus, Circaea lutetiana, various Carices, Galium circaezans and Arisaema triphyllum. Where there is good light penetration, patches of Microstegium vimineum are found. Amphicarpa bracteata is found throughout . Old flood debris and toppled trees are found in and near the old stream channel. Soil is well-drained, dark brown loam/sandy loam with frequent pebbles. Many hemlocks are very old; much older than hardwoods in community.; Evidence of Community Processes: Severe soil erosion on very W edge adjacent to rocky streamside community - some flood debris and trash accumulated on rocks and tree roots near stream.; General Comments: Very dry. Hemlocks are much older than maples especially near stream.; Community Description: Floodplain forest dominated by Tsuga canadensis and Acer saccharum, located on the W bank of Wickecheoke Creek and Plum Brook. Between the forest and the stream lies a rocky bank, either densely or sparsely vegetated depending on the amount of soil deposit among the rocks. Many of the species are weedy. As the floodplain extends westward, the tree composition changes to mostly Acer saccharum with occasional Q. alba, Q. rubra, Carya sp., and Ulmus americana. Tsuga forms a dense stand +/- 50' wide adjacent to the bank. A wide, dry streambed, lined by large rocks, is the terminus of the floodplain. Beyond are mesic woods on a slope that rises sharply to the field above. Forb layer under the hemlocks is sparse; forb layer become much denser beyond the hemlocks. No disturbance. Few invasive species except near stream and runoff channels.; Fishing spider, cardinal, scarlet tanager, tiny toads present.