NJ Natural Heritage Program, NJDEP Division of Parks and Forestry, Office of Natural Lands Management, 22 S. Clinton Ave, Plaza Bldg 4, Fl. 4, PO Box 404 Trenton, NJ, 08625-0404
GPS readings for other 3 plot corners: 1-SE) 39.68249, -75.26923; 2-SW) 39.68248, -75.26887; 3-NW) 39.68225, -75.26902
permanent plot
Layout Narrative
Plot is 20x20 m. Transect endpoints are permanently marked with rebar. Distance and compass bearing measurements to the plot location with measurements of plot orientation off the transect were taken. GPS coordinates for each corner of the plot was taken with submeter accuracy.
Environment Fields:
Slope Aspect
Slope Gradient
Topographic Position
Low level
Landscape Narrative
General Landscape Description: Narrow floodplain, ~40-50 m wide, bordered by Oldmans Creek to the S and a short steep slope that rises to a farm field to the N. At the base of the slope is a narrow backswamp. Stream is wide (~20') and shallow (6-18") near the survey site with a firm, gravel bottom. Native and non-native mollusks are visible in the stream. On the opposite stream bank (S) the land rises steeply to a much higher elevation than on the N side - no floodplain.;
Soil Texture: Organic - peat; Mineral - clay, sandy clay
Physiographic Province: Inner Coastal Plain.
Overall Taxon Cover Values are Automatically Calculated?
Plot Quality Fields:
Plot Validation Level
(1) occurrence plot: sufficient for determining type occurrence
Overall Plot Vegetation Fields:
Dominant Stratum
Misc Fields:
Observation Narrative
Community Type: non-tidal floodplain forest
General Description: Relatively level floodplain forest between stream and an abrupt rise to a farm field. Dominant trees are Platanus occidentalis, with understory of American elm. There is a fairly dense shrub layer, moslty Lindera benzoin, but also with Viburnum dentatum, Rosa multiflora, and Symphoricarpos orbiculatus. Forbs include Impatiens capensis, Podophyllum peltatum, and Circaea lutetiana. There are relatively few invasive species - some Microstegium, Polygonum caespitosum, and Lonicera japonica. Toxicodendron radicans is abundant. Flood debris is evident throughout area. There is no significant human disturbance except litter and pathways near Lake Road.; Community Description: Platanus occidentalis - Ulmus americana dominated floodplain forest located just W of Harrisonville Lake (Harrisonjville WMA) on Oldmans Creek. Community lies only 1-2 feet above the level of the stream, which is slow-moving, shallow, gravel-bottomed, and relatively wide (~15-20'). Floodplain is located on the N bank and is flat for ~100', then rises steeply for a short distance. At the base of the slope is a narrow backswamp area. On the opposite bank (south) there is no floodplain, only a steep bank vegetated by mostly Fagus grandifolia and only a few forbs. Piles of flood debris (leaves, branches, occasional trash) are found within the floodplain. Debris variously originates from stream flooding or from runoff from uphill. In the area of the plot, there is little disturbance except for a compacted, bare soil fishermen's path along the stream edge. Floodplain is densely vegetated with multiple strata of trees, shrubs and forbs. Very few invasive spp. Soil is sandy clay over gray clay with mottles beginning at about 10 cm and continuing to ~80 cm, at the point where the soil is saturated. (Tree composition of floodplain changes dramatically from bridge to the survey area. Near bridge, Acer platanoides is dominant with Fraxinus and Liriodendron. Going W, this grades into Fraxinus-dominated, then Platanus-dominated forest within a short distance.); Evidence of Community Processes: Piles of flood debris, including a small amount of trash, small amount of scouring.; General Comments: Floodplain has remarkably few invasives, considering it is in a well-used area. Microstegium is minimal. Area is densely vegetated except near bridge, which is a fishing spot.
10 YR 3/3 matrix with 7.5 YR 4/6 mottles, sandy clay
clay increase, sand decreases, gray clay 10 YR 4/1 with 7.5 YR 4/6 mottles and brown veins of organic matter, pH = 6.4, mottle size and frequency increases with depth
all clay 10 YR 3/1 with larger 2.5 YR 4/6 mottles; saturation at 80 cm, gray lay 2.5 Y 3/1, no mottles, pH = 6.6
Disturbance Data:
Disturbance Type
Disturbance Intensity
Disturbance Comment
Hydrologic alteration
Dam located upstream ~200m
Other disturbances
invasive species
Other disturbances
Westward spread (from bridge area) of Acer platanoides if understory (elms) die out.