NJ Natural Heritage Program, NJDEP Division of Parks and Forestry, Office of Natural Lands Management, 22 S. Clinton Ave, Plaza Bldg 4, Fl. 4, PO Box 404 Trenton, NJ, 08625-0404
Lat/long given for plot center. Coordinates for plot corners were not obtained.
Environment Fields:
Slope Aspect
Slope Gradient
Topographic Position
Low level
Landscape Narrative
General Landscape Description: Quercus palustris dominated floodplain forest on the SW side of the NW-SE running Pike Run in Harlingen. Stream is rocky bottomed, wide (~20') and evenly shallow (6-10"). Floodplain lies about 6' above the level of the stream. Several very old Quercus bicolor line the stream bank. Other tree species are Acer rubrum and Fraxinus americana. The herbaceous layer is dominated by Rosa multiflora and Microstegium vimineum. To the W is a sharp slope uphill. At the base of the slope and extending to the floodplain is a marsh-type community, fewer trees, but no evidence of recent inundation or saturation.;
Soil Texture: Mineral - silt loam
Physiographic Province: Piedmont.
Overall Taxon Cover Values are Automatically Calculated?
Plot Quality Fields:
Plot Validation Level
(1) occurrence plot: sufficient for determining type occurrence
Overall Plot Vegetation Fields:
Dominant Stratum
Growthform1 Type
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Misc Fields:
Observation Narrative
Community Type: non-tidal floodplain forest
General Description: Floodplain forest dominated by Quercus palustris, with significant amounts of Acer rubrumm and Fraxinus americana. Dominant shrub is Rosa multiflora; Microstegium vimineum is the dominant herb. Floodplain is located between Pike run to the NE and a narrow zone that appears to be filled marsh to the SW. Marsh herbs persist but the area is dry. This part of the floodplain is obviously disturbed, but the part adjacent to the river appears undisturbed. Soil has consistent color and texture to 100 cm - red brown silt loam (5 YR 4/4). Floodplain lies ~6' above the level of the shallow slow moving stream.; Community Description: Floodplain forest located on the W bank of Pike Run in Harlingen. Dominant tree species is Quercus palustris. Along the stream bank, enormous Q. bicolor lean out over the water. Significant numbers of Acer rubrum and Fraxinus americana are also present. Landward, the trees thin out and an open area of (probably filled) marsh or backswamp sontains such marsh species as Rosa palustris and Cephalanthus occidentalis as well as normal associates. Along the streambank is a dense growth of tall shrubs especially Rosa multiflora. Flood litter is found at the base of these shrubs - a small amount only. Floodplain is thickly vegetated by mostly invasive species. Where the light penetration is reduced, M. vimineum is the dominant cover. Floodplain is more or less flat, with occasional shallow dips and rises. Soil is uniform silt loam, red brown in color, 5 YR 4/4, from a few cm below the surface, to 80 cm depth. No mottles or striations. Floodplain lies about 6' above the water level at the time.
Evidence of Community Processes: Small amount of flood debris at the very top of the bank. Debris is prevented from moving inland further because of dense thicket of shrubs crowding the upper bank.; General Comments: Many trees are in poor condition. Hydrologic changes may account for some of this. Stream level very low - backswamp area probably filled.; Small deer, bullfrog, toad, housewren present.