OP1 - Raritan River
» Citation URL: http://vegbank.org/cite/urn:lsid:vegbank.org/vegbranch:observation:52-{3AA385C6-3164-436E-8E23-6D8541FBFF09}
» Citing info |
Plot ID Fields: | |
Author Plot Code  |
OP1 - Raritan River
Author Observation Code  |
OP1 - Raritan River
Original Data Location  |
NJ Natural Heritage Program, NJDEP Division of Parks and Forestry, Office of Natural Lands Management, 22 S. Clinton Ave, Plaza Bldg 4, Fl. 4, PO Box 404 Trenton, NJ, 08625-0404
Location Fields: |
| Yahoo
| TopoZone
| MapQuest
Confidentiality Status  |
exact location
Latitude  |
Longitude  |
Author Location  |
Raritan River at Duke Island Park
Location Narrative  |
From Rt. 206 in Raritan, go W on Somerset St. (Rt. 626) through town. It will become Old York Rd. Follow to Robert Rd. and go left. Follow to river, enter woods on paved bicycle path ~4 km.
State or Province  |
New Jersey
Country  |
United States
Named Places |
Layout Fields: | |
DSG Polygon  |
GPS readings for other 3 plot corners: 1-SE) 40.55198, -74.65629; 2-SW) 40.55205, -74.65581; 3-NW) 40.55206, -74.65579
Shape  |
Area  |
Permanence  |
permanent plot
Layout Narrative  |
Plot is 10x40 m. Transect endpoints are permanently marked with rebar. Distance and compass bearing measurements to the plot location with measurements of plot orientation off the transect were taken. GPS coordinates for each corner of the plot was taken with submeter accuracy.
Environment Fields: | |
Slope Aspect  |
Slope Gradient  |
Topographic Position  |
Low level
Landscape Narrative  |
General Landscape Description: Very broad low floodplain bordered by the Raritan River to the S and developed, disturbed upland to the N. Floodplain is chracterized by numberous channels and terraces, especially at the E end of the sites. Flooding apparently occurs well inland as evidenced by piles of wrack. Some of the channels are recently dry or have water in them (with hydric/aquatic vegetation).; Surrounding landscape is disturbed.;
Soil Texture: Mineral - silty clay loam
Physiographic Province: Piedmont;
Watershed: Raritan River
Hydrologic Regime  |
Seasonally flooded
Soil Moisture Regime  |
Soil Drainage  |
somewhat poorly drained
Water Depth  |
Percent Wood  |
Percent Litter  |
Percent Bare Soil  |
Stand Maturity  |
Mature, even-age
Successional Status  |
stable/mature trees with succesional herbaceous layer
Methods Fields: | |
Observation Start Date  |
Observation End Date  |
Project  |
NJ Mark Wong
Cover Method  |
Domin Cover Scale
Stratum Method  |
National Park Service
Taxon Observation Area  |
Cover Dispersion  |
Overall Taxon Cover Values are Automatically Calculated?  |
Plot Quality Fields: | |
Plot Validation Level  |
(1) occurrence plot: sufficient for determining type occurrence
Overall Plot Vegetation Fields: | |
Dominant Stratum  |
Growthform1 Type  |
Growthform2 Type  |
Misc Fields: | |
Observation Narrative  |
Community Type: non-tidal floodplain forest
General Description: Very broad floodplain, cut by several wide ditches or old channels, rising very gradually away from river but with no sharp distinction between plant communities. Trees include Acer saccharinum, A. saccharum, A. negundo and Platanus occidentalis, with no clear dominant. Shrubs are few and mostly Lindera benzoin. Forbs include Mertensia virginica, with Microstegium vimineum, Humulus japonicus, Allaria petiolata, Allium Tricoccum, Ranunculus Ficaria. Soils are clayey silt 5 YR /3/3 at surface. Clay content, but not color, increases with depth. Flood debris is evident for at least 150 m from stream. Inland from stream, vegetation gradually changes. Maples and sycamores give way to Ulmus americana and Juglans nigra, and the forest floor is dominated by Carex spp.; Community Description: Diverse, flat floodplain forest facing more or less S, along the Raritan River. Near the river, the floodplain is a series of terraces and channels. Towards the upland woods, it is flat with small dips and swales. Debris and wrack from flooding are evident for at least 150 m from the bank. Floodplain is 1-2 m above the river along the stretch surveyed. Recent disturbance is minimal except for a paved bike path that parallels the river.Vegetation shows some more or less zonation - nea the river the trees are enormous Sycamores and silver maples - behind them are ashes, sugar maples, then walnuts, hickories and elms. Soils are consitent in color 5 YR 3/3 to a depth of over 1 m. Invasive species are rampant near the river edge - and then out into a sedge and grass-dominated forest. There is no standing water except a small amount in some of the channels between terraces - some channels are dry. Despite the invasives, the forb layer is still diverse. Some areas are bare of vegetation and litter due to earthworm infestation.
Evidence of Community Processes: Scouring, silt deposits, piles of wrack from recent and past flooding.; General Comments: Some openings in canopy due to poor condition of Platanus occidentalis this year.; greenfrogs, toads, red-tailed hawk, various songbirds present.