A2 - Wawayanda
» Citation URL: http://vegbank.org/cite/urn:lsid:vegbank.org/vegbranch:observation:58-{66072846-BD29-4282-8FD2-4E957A093C8D}
» Citing info |
Plot ID Fields: | |
Author Plot Code  |
A2 - Wawayanda
Author Observation Code  |
A2 - Wawayanda
Original Data Location  |
NJ Natural Heritage Program, NJDEP Division of Parks and Forestry, Office of Natural Lands Management, 22 S. Clinton Ave, Plaza Bldg 4, Fl. 4, PO Box 404 Trenton, NJ, 08625-0404
Location Fields: |
| Yahoo
| TopoZone
| MapQuest
Confidentiality Status  |
10 km radius (nearest 0.1 degree)
Latitude  |
Longitude  |
Author Location  |
Wawayanda Creek at Old Mine Road (a.k.a. Wawayanda Creek East of Barry Lake)
Location Narrative  |
From Old Mine Road in Wawayanda State Park, go N to stream crossing. Cross stream and follow it W for ~650' to intersection with N-S running stream. Plot lies at NW corner of this intersection.
State or Province  |
New Jersey
Country  |
United States
Named Places |
Layout Fields: | |
Shape  |
Area  |
Permanence  |
permanent plot
Layout Narrative  |
Lat/Long is taken from SW corner of plot. Plot is 15x15 m.
Environment Fields: | |
Elevation  |
Slope Aspect  |
Slope Gradient  |
Topographic Position  |
Low level
Landscape Narrative  |
General Landscape Description: Hardwood floodplain forest located in a ravine at the NE corner of an intersection of Wawayanda Creek and an unnamed N-S running stream. Floodplain is dominated by hydric herbaceous species and trees Carya cordiformis, Fraxinus pennsylvanica and Acer rubrum. Beyond the floodplain, the land rises abruptly to rocky upland woods dominated by Quercus alba, Q. prinus and Carya tomentosa. Some Acer saccharum is found in the transition zone between hydric floodplain and upland woods. Ranunculus flabellaris (S3) and Platanthera psycodes (S2) found at this site.;
Soil Texture: Organic - muck; Mineral - silt loam, clay
Physiographic Province: Valley and Ridge;
Von Post scale of peat decomposition: H9;
Organic Horizon type: Mull;
Hydrologic Regime  |
Soil Moisture Regime  |
Soil Drainage  |
very poorly drained
Water Depth  |
Percent Wood  |
Percent Litter  |
Percent Bare Soil  |
Methods Fields: | |
Observation Start Date  |
Observation End Date  |
Project  |
NJ Mark Wong
Cover Method  |
Domin Cover Scale
Stratum Method  |
National Park Service
Taxon Observation Area  |
Cover Dispersion  |
Overall Taxon Cover Values are Automatically Calculated?  |
Plot Quality Fields: | |
Plot Validation Level  |
(1) occurrence plot: sufficient for determining type occurrence
Overall Plot Vegetation Fields: | |
Dominant Stratum  |
Growthform1 Type  |
Growthform2 Type  |
Growthform3 Type  |
Misc Fields: | |
Observation Narrative  |
Community Type: non-tidal floodplain forest
General Description: Wet floodplain forest located along the N bank of the narrow, shallow, Wawayanda Creek. Floodplain is on a low terrace, only ~0.5m above the level of the stream. To the S it is bordered by a mucky mudflat and to the N is a rocky slope which rises out of the ravine to dry upland woods. Dominant tree species are Carya cordiformis and Fraxinus pennsylvanica. Forb layer is thick with codominant Onoclea sensibilis, Impatiens capensis, Symplocarpus foetidus, Polygonum caespitosum, Pilea pumila, and Laportea canadensis. Shrubs are Lindera benzoin and Viburnum lentago, mostly tall. Soil is very dark brown silt loam over clay with orange mottles.; Community Description: Fraxinus pennsylvanica/Carya cordiformis dominated hydric floodplain forest located along the N branch of the E-W running Wawayanda Creek. Forest has a thick herbaceous layer codominated by Onoclea sensibilis, Boehmeria cylindrica, Laportea canadensis and Pilea pumila. Herbaceous diversity is low. Along Wawayanda Creek in the vicinity of the plot and transect, is a mucky mudflat densely vegetated by Lysimachia palustris and Ranunculus flabellaris. There is no disturbance to the area, nor evidence of recent flooding. Land beyond floodplain rises sharply up a rocky slope to an upland forest at the top of the ravine. Soil is very dark brown silt loam muck over clay with orange mottles which increase with depth until the matrix/mottle colors blend. Floodplain lies >1m above the level of the slow moving stream. There is no standing water but the community is muddy near the stream and becomes firmer to the NW and NE as the land rises slightly.