A1 - Metedeconk (S bank)
» Citation URL: http://vegbank.org/cite/urn:lsid:vegbank.org/vegbranch:observation:121-{BCEC19F3-AF6E-4B7E-B7E6-F542A31B4A58}
» Citing info |
Plot ID Fields: | |
Author Plot Code  |
A1 - Metedeconk (S bank)
Author Observation Code  |
A1 - Metedeconk (S bank)
Original Data Location  |
NJ Natural Heritage Program, NJDEP Division of Parks and Forestry, Office of Natural Lands Management, 22 S. Clinton Ave, Plaza Bldg 4, Fl. 4, PO Box 404 Trenton, NJ, 08625-0404
Location Fields: |
| Yahoo
| TopoZone
| MapQuest
Confidentiality Status  |
exact location
Latitude  |
Longitude  |
Author Location  |
Metedeconk River at Pittinger Pond Road (South bank)
Location Narrative  |
From the bridge crossing the Metedeconk River, or Pittinger Pond Road., Freehold Township, enter woods on SE corner of bridge and follow stream for about 1800'.
State or Province  |
New Jersey
Country  |
United States
Named Places |
Layout Fields: | |
Shape  |
Area  |
Permanence  |
permanent plot
Layout Narrative  |
Lat/long coordinates are taken from plot center.
Environment Fields: | |
Landscape Narrative  |
General Landscape Description: Red maple dominated floodplain forest bordered by the Metedeconk River to the N and a transitional slope (mesic) to the S. At the top of the slope is a Quercus prinus/Pinus rigida upland forest.
Stand Maturity  |
Even-age, aggrading
Methods Fields: | |
Observation Start Date  |
Observation End Date  |
Project  |
NJ Mark Wong
Cover Method  |
Percentage (%)
Stratum Method  |
National Park Service
Taxon Observation Area  |
Cover Dispersion  |
Overall Taxon Cover Values are Automatically Calculated?  |
Plot Quality Fields: | |
Plot Validation Level  |
(1) occurrence plot: sufficient for determining type occurrence
Overall Plot Vegetation Fields: | |
--no data-- |
Misc Fields: | |
Observation Narrative  |
Community Type: non-tidal floodplain forest
General Comments: Floodplain forest on a relatively flat terrace about 1.5 meters above surface of Metedeconk Creek (at time of visit). Stream is about 2 meters wide. Dominant trees are Acer rubrum and Liquidambar Styraciflua, with some Nyssa sylvatica and a few scattered Pinus rigida, Fagus grandifolia, Quercus spp. Understory shrubs are mostly Lindera benzoin; Vaccinium corymbosum is locally common; there is also some Clethra alnifolia and Ilex verticillata. Smilax rotundifolia is locally abundant. Large areas of the forest floor are dominated by Microstegium vimineum; there are few other invasive species. There is little sign of recent flooding, and no obvious signs of human disturbance. Floodplain slopes up from stream at an angle of 1-2 degrees. There is considerable sign of deer browsing. Mineral soils are 7.5YR/3/2 sandy loam to 30 cm, 2.5Y/5/4 sandy clay to ~70cm, and gley1/4/1 wet sand below that; standing water at ~70 cm.
Note: Soils and vegetation are very different from those in plot surveryed almost directly across river.