A1 - Park Ave Powerline
» Citation URL: http://vegbank.org/cite/urn:lsid:vegbank.org/vegbranch:observation:446-{C96D8C37-821D-4C8E-A9F5-44C03D12DBC2}
» Citing info |
Plot ID Fields: | |
Author Plot Code  |
A1 - Park Ave Powerline
Author Observation Code  |
A1 - Park Ave Powerline
Original Data Location  |
NJ Natural Heritage Program, NJDEP Division of Parks and Forestry, Office of Natural Lands Management, 22 S. Clinton Ave, Plaza Bldg 4, Fl. 4, PO Box 404 Trenton, NJ, 08625-0404
Location Fields: |
| Yahoo
| TopoZone
| MapQuest
Confidentiality Status  |
10 km radius (nearest 0.1 degree)
Latitude  |
Longitude  |
Author Location  |
Park Ave Powerline
Location Narrative  |
Site is 0.9 miles south southwest of Downer. From Downer, drive south on Mill Road 0.9 miles to the powerline cut just south of Park Avenue. Turn west onto the powerline right-of-way road. Drive 0.3 miles. Site is on right (north) within the forest.
State or Province  |
New Jersey
Country  |
United States
Named Places |
Layout Fields: | |
Shape  |
Permanence  |
not permanent
Layout Narrative  |
plotless - latitude and longitude coordinates approximate the survey area
Environment Fields: | |
Elevation  |
Elevation Range  |
Landscape Narrative  |
Soil Description: sandy loam overlying sand of the Cohansey Formation, pH 3.8 at 15.2 cm
Geology: aeolian (sand rim)
Landscape Description: 2-acre pondshore community in good to excellent condition within a large, 3.8-acre, floristically diverse coastal plain intermittent pond surrounded by deciduous forest, just south of a residential neighborhood and north of a powerline right-of-way. The survey site is located on a fairly flat plain with residential areas north ~0.1 mile and east ~0.3 mile. Glassboro WMA extends west and south about 1.5 miles (the survey site is part of the WMA).
Physiographic Province: Outer Coastal Plain
Watershed Code: 02040206120
Water Depth  |
Methods Fields: | |
Observation Start Date  |
Observation End Date  |
Project  |
NJ Mark Wong
Cover Method  |
Percentage (%)
Stratum Method  |
National Park Service
Overall Taxon Cover Values are Automatically Calculated?  |
Plot Quality Fields: | |
Plot Validation Level  |
(1) occurrence plot: sufficient for determining type occurrence
Overall Plot Vegetation Fields: | |
Dominant Stratum  |
Growthform1 Type  |
Growthform2 Type  |
Misc Fields: | |
Observation Narrative  |
Community Type: coastal plain pond
General Description: Coastal plain intermittent pond in a lowland deciduous forest that extends south and west with residential areas east and north. The surrounding area is relatively flat, underlain by sand of the Cohansey Formation with several streams draining south. The pond is within Glassboro Wildlife Management, which extends south and west. Rhexia virginica – Panicum verrucosum Herbaceous Vegetation dominates the central to upper shores of the pond. The surrounding forest (A2) is dominated by Acer rubrum, Nyssa sylvatica and Vaccinium corymbosum, with Liquidambar styraciflua, Leucothoe racemosa, Clethra alnifolia, Smilax rotundifolia, Quercus palustris, Magnolia virginiana, Viburnum prunifolium and Ilex opaca. Drainage channels appear to have been dug in the northeastern and southwestern corners of the pond and a large number of dead trees north of the pond and in the southern corner seem to indicate that the hydrology of the pond has changed over time, perhaps due to the drainage channels or residential development to the north and east. There are also invasive weeds along the powerline cut in close proximity to the pond’s southern edge.
Community Description: Good quality herbaceous pondshore community occurring in the central to upper zones of a coastal plain intermittent pond. Dominant species are Rhynchospora macrostachya (35%), Panicum verrucosum (20%), R. scirpoides (20%) and Rhynchospora chalarocephala (20%), with Decodon verticillatus (4%), Scirpus cyperinus (2%), seedlings of Liquidambar styraciflua (2%), Andropogon virginicus (1%) and less than 1% Rhexia sp., Hypericum mutilum, Triadenum virginicum, Leersia oryzoides, Dichanthelium sp., Sphagnum sp., Hypericum canadense, Drosera intermedia, Dulichium arundinaceum and Viola lanceolata, and patches of Acer rubrum and Chamaedaphne calyculata. Distribution is patchy, with Panicum verrucosum occupying the upper pondshore, Rhynchospora macrostachya dominating the middle pondshore and Rhynchospora scirpoides dominating the central, northern pondshore. Soil is sandy loam, pH 3.8, overlying sand of the Cohansey Formation. Full sun exposure with no standing water. While most of the area is flat, there is a greater slope in the P. verrucosum zone (approximately 3-4º) and a slightly lower elevation in the central R. scirpoides zone.
Community Description (field): Herbaceous community dominated by Rhynchospora macrostachya and Panicum verrucosum, with no open soil or water. Patches of young Acer rubrum and not very healthy looking Cephalanthus take up ~1/4 to 1/3 of the SE corner with an understory of Panicum verrucosum and Decodon verticillatus. A large patch of Decodon has died along the SW corner. Panicum verrucosum dominates a ring around the outer edge of the pond. Rhynchospora macrostachya dominates most of the central area, except one large patch dominated by Rhynchospora scirpoides. A dry patch with Liquidambar seedlings stretches along the north.
Other species present but not in observation point: Liquidambar styraciflua, Acer rubrum, Chamaedaphne calyculata
Fauna: dragonfly with black and white wings and a light gray body
Note: Although the whole 3.8-acre pond was mapped for this occurrence, Rhexia virginica - Panicum verrucosum Herbaceous Vegetation occupies approximately 2 acres of the pond.