NJ Natural Heritage Program, NJDEP Division of Parks and Forestry, Office of Natural Lands Management, 22 S. Clinton Ave, Plaza Bldg 4, Fl. 4, PO Box 404 Trenton, NJ, 08625-0404
latitude and longitude coordinates roughly approximate the survey area
Environment Fields:
Slope Aspect
(n/a, too irregular to determine)
Slope Gradient
Topographic Position
Basin floor
Landscape Narrative
Evidence of Community Processes: groundwater seepage and marl formation
Soil Description: saturated peat/silty muck with shallow water in lowest hollows; hummock/hollow microtopography
Depth to Water: 5.1 cm
Landscape Description: This open marl seep fen is buffered by calcareous seepage swamp adjacent to Bear Creek in the Kittatinny Valley. Surrounding land use is agricultural and residential.
Bedrock Geology: Allentown Dolomite
Physiographic Province: Valley and Ridge
Watershed: Bear Creek
Overall Taxon Cover Values are Automatically Calculated?
Plot Quality Fields:
Plot Validation Level
(1) occurrence plot: sufficient for determining type occurrence
Overall Plot Vegetation Fields:
Dominant Stratum
Growthform1 Type
Growthform2 Type
Growthform3 Type
Misc Fields:
Observation Narrative
Community Type: calcareous fen
General Description: This is an open groundwater seepage fen dominated by shrubs and sedges with widely scattered trees 5-10m tall. Lythrum salicaria can be found at the SE edge in an area with more woody species.
Community Description: Open dwarf shrub-graminoid fen surrounded by wooded calcareous seepage swamp. Potentilla fruticosa and Carex spp. with scattered Larix and Juniperus trees. Fen occurs in two distinct openings within a larger calcareous seepage swamp.
Fauna: dragonfly (black, with yellow-orange stripe down thorax), magnolia warbler, bog turtle eggs