Releve Virginia Division of Natural Heritage, see
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(2) classification plot: sufficient for inclusion in a classification revision
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--no data--
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Observation Narrative
Swampy forest dominated by Nyssa. Frequently flooded, waist high after heavy rain in mid-August. Large Nyssa trees occupy widely spaced low hummocks. No small clones appear to be associated with the large stems. Trees have noticeable butt-flare but not as pronounced as Nyssa aquatica. Nyssa fruits are abundant under large trees in hollow muck expanses. Trees arch over wetland basin. Associated species with Nyssa on hummocks include Clethra alnifolia, Ilex laevigata, Ilex opaca, Liquidambar, Mitchella repens, Acer rubrum, Saururus cernuus occurring on muck.
The largest tree (species/dbh) is Liquidambar styraciflua (54.6cm). Nyssa biflora outside of plot has a dbh of 58.5cm. The dominant species in the tree layer/taller stratum is Nyssa biflora. The dominant species in the tree layer/lower stratum is Acer rubrum. The dominant species in the shrub and herb layers/ lower stratum is Clethra alnifolia.