Intensive Virginia Division of Natural Heritage, see
Overall Taxon Cover Values are Automatically Calculated?
Stem Observation Area
Plot Quality Fields:
Plot Validation Level
(2) classification plot: sufficient for inclusion in a classification revision
Overall Plot Vegetation Fields:
Tree Height
Field Height
Tree Cover
Shrub Cover
Field Cover
Nonvascular Cover
Misc Fields:
Observation Narrative
Successional stand of Pinus virginiana and P. pungens which experienced considerable mortality from southern pine beetle outbreak in the last several years. Larger trees appear to have been less vulnerable and to have disproportionately survived. In module 10 canopy is more intact, coarse woody debris much less abundant, and understory more park-like, with abundant Parthenium integrifolium and Piptochaetium avenaceum. Cover of Gaylussacia baccata in four focal modules belies its importance in plot as a whole. This species is the overwhelming dominant in modules 4 and 7, where Pinus virginiana is the leading overstory species and canopy cover is moderately high. Plot located much closer than had been intended to the old road that runs along ridgecrest. NOTE: Pinus sp. in tree diameter data represents dead Pinus stems (dead Pinus BA = 7.196 sq. m / ha).
From flagged Quercus montana (36 cm dbh; < 5 m from road): 19.2 m @345 deg to stake A. This tree has the appearance of former open growth conditions.
[GPF note: dead Pinus sp. stem tallies removed from Tree Diameter Data table: classes 1-2.5 cm: 1 stem, 2.5-5 cm: 2 stems, 5-10 cm: 27 stems, 10-15 cm: 29 stems, 15-20 cm: 1 stem, 20-25 cm: 1 stem.]
0 - 2 - leaf litter
2 - 7 - O horizon: dark brown, rich in fine roots
7 - light brown to light gray, very fine-textured, dry clay loam; pebbles and cobbles abound