Releve Virginia Division of Natural Heritage, see
Overall Taxon Cover Values are Automatically Calculated?
Plot Quality Fields:
Plot Validation Level
(2) classification plot: sufficient for inclusion in a classification revision
Overall Plot Vegetation Fields:
--no data--
Misc Fields:
Observation Narrative
Plot location: ca. 1.5 miles ENE of Land of Promise. Lot center is a triple- flagged Pinus serotina.
Hummock and hollow microtopography.
A classic "high pocosin" peatland community, with nearly impenetrable, head-high evergreen shrubs and scattered low trees of Pinus serotina. DNH surveys and photographs from 1990 indicate that shrubs were aproximately knee-high following a major fire in the mid-1980's. Small sphagnous openings at that time supporting Cleistes divaricata, Pogonia ophioglossoides, Carex striata var. brevis, Andropogon glomeratus, and other relatively delicate, light-demanding herbaceous plants. No sign of these openings or plants could be found in 1995 and the vegetation had grown up and closed in dramatically. Plot was located at the site of a peat core taken during a study of millenium-long fire and vegetation histories commissioned by DCR-DNH.
Nutrient Regime: Oligotrophic.
0-4cm - Litter, live and dead sphagnum
4-8cm - woody peat (H2/H3); WATER TABLE AT 4 cm; brown
8-35cm - firm peat (H2)
35-40cm - muddy peat with leaves, live and dead roots (H6)
65-70cm - peat (H7) soupy with live roots
70-85cm - peat (H8), no live roots
85-95cm - peat (H8)
95-115cm - peat (H6), fibrous with wide roots, blackish
115-120cm - peat (H6), less decomposed, blackish-brown.