Releve Virginia Division of Natural Heritage, see
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Plot Quality Fields:
Plot Validation Level
(2) classification plot: sufficient for inclusion in a classification revision
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Observation Narrative
Stand dominated by low-statured Pontederia cordata over prostrate Murdannia keisak and Leersia oryzoides, with Eleocharis quadrangulata locally co-dominant on the side of plot farthest from Holts Creek. Scattered individuals of Asclepias incarnata and Zizania aquatica reach heights of 2 m, but prevailing vegetation stands < 1 m tall. Permanent plots established by The Nature Conservancy for monitoring Aeschynomene virginica lie along Holts Creek 10-20 m from marsh. Several stems of Aeschynomene occur in vicinity of plot, the location of which was chosen specifically to avoid disturbing this population. One individual of Chamaecrista fasciculata var. macrosperma was observed just outside the plot.