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» Citation URL: http://vegbank.org/cite/urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:observation:15221-{13D81C4F-CCE1-45E3-84B9-D827FFCA0ED5}
» Citing info
Plot ID Fields: 
Author Plot Code ? 085-PARR-0104
Author Observation Code ? 085-PARR-0104
Location Fields: MAP: Google | Yahoo | TopoZone | MapQuest
Confidentiality Status ? 100 km radius (nearest degree)
Latitude ? 38 º
Longitude ? -76 º
State or Province ? Virginia
Named Places
county: Accomack
region|state|province: Virginia
Layout Fields: 
DSG Polygon ? 20 x 20 m
Area ? 400
Permanence ? not permanent
Environment Fields: 
Elevation ? 8 m
Slope Aspect ? 90 º
Slope Gradient ? 5 º
Landform ? dune
Hydrologic Regime ? terrestrial (upland)
Soil Moisture Regime ? somewhat xeric
Soil Drainage ? well drained
Methods Fields: 
Observation Start Date ? 20-Nov-1991
Observation End Date ? 20-Nov-1991
Project ? Virginia Heritage
Cover Method ? Carolina Vegetation Survey
Stratum Method ? No Strata
Method Narrative ? Releve Virginia Division of Natural Heritage, see http://www.dcr.virginia.gov/natural_heritage/documents/nh_plotform_instructions.pdf
Overall Taxon Cover Values are Automatically Calculated? ? no
Plot Quality Fields: 
Plot Validation Level ? (2) classification plot: sufficient for inclusion in a classification revision
Overall Plot Vegetation Fields: 
Tree Cover ? 50 %
Shrub Cover ? 20 %
Field Cover ? 5 %
Misc Fields: 
Observation Narrative ? Plot is located in an open, park-like Pinus taeda stand. Estimated tree age is 60-80 years. Sapling pines are uncommon in the understory, but several seedlings were observed in open areas. The understory is composed mainly of Persea palustris and well-grown Myrica cerifera, along with one stunted Prunus serotina. Myrica cerifera is dominant in the low shrub layer. Smilax bona-nox is abundant in both shrub and ground layers. The cone crop is abundant on most trees. Italian Hills in the middle of Parramore Island, southeast of Clubhouse Gut.
Taxa occurring on this plot-observation
Change plant label:
Change Strata Shown:
ord Author Plant Name ?Original Interpretation, full Scientific Name ?Original Interpretation, Scientific Name without authors ?Original Interpretation, Common Name ?Original Interpretation, USDA Code ?Current Interpretation, full Scientific Name ?Current Interpretation, Scientific Name without authors ?Current Interpretation, Common Name ?Current Interpretation, USDA Code ? Stratum ?Cover ?Original Cover Code ?Basal Area ?Biomass ?Inference Area ? Stems: Stem Diameters (graphically):
1 Pinus taeda Pinus taeda **   Pinus taeda **   Pinus taeda **   Pinus taeda **   Pinus taeda **   Pinus taeda **   Pinus taeda **   Pinus taeda **   -all-  
37.5 %
7       -none-
2 Morella cerifera Morella cerifera **   Morella cerifera **   Morella cerifera **   Morella cerifera **   Morella cerifera **   Morella cerifera **   Morella cerifera **   Morella cerifera **   -all-  
17.5 %
6       -none-
3 Persea palustris Persea palustris **   Persea palustris **   Persea palustris **   Persea palustris **   Persea palustris **   Persea palustris **   Persea palustris **   Persea palustris **   -all-  
7.5 %
5       -none-
4 Smilax bona-nox Smilax bona-nox **   Smilax bona-nox **   Smilax bona-nox **   Smilax bona-nox **   Smilax bona-nox **   Smilax bona-nox **   Smilax bona-nox **   Smilax bona-nox **   -all-  
7.5 %
5       -none-
5 Prunus serotina var. serotina Prunus serotina var. serotina **   Prunus serotina var. serotina **   Prunus serotina var. serotina **   Prunus serotina var. serotina **   Prunus serotina var. serotina **   Prunus serotina var. serotina **   Prunus serotina var. serotina **   Prunus serotina var. serotina **   -all-  
7.5 %
5       -none-
6 Chasmanthium laxum Chasmanthium laxum **   Chasmanthium laxum **   Chasmanthium laxum **   Chasmanthium laxum **   Chasmanthium laxum **   Chasmanthium laxum **   Chasmanthium laxum **   Chasmanthium laxum **   -all-  
0.505 %
2       -none-
7 Sassafras albidum Sassafras albidum **   Sassafras albidum **   Sassafras albidum **   Sassafras albidum **   Sassafras albidum **   Sassafras albidum **   Sassafras albidum **   Sassafras albidum **   -all-  
0.505 %
2       -none-
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Stratum Definitions:
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Observation Contributors:
Party ?Role ?
Coulling, Philip Field assistant
Zebryk, Tad Author
Community Classification:
More Classification Start Date ? Community AssignmentsContributors
Details 30-Oct-2007
Community Concept ?Class Fit ?Class Confidence ?Community Authority Reference ?Typal ?
Pinus taeda - Quercus (falcata, nigra) / Morella cerifera / Vitis rotundifolia Forest 4 High   no
No Class Contributors.

Soil Observations:
Soil Horizon ?Soil Depth Top ?Soil Depth Bottom ?Soil Color ?Soil Organic ?Soil Texture ?Soil Sand ?Soil Silt ?Soil Clay ?Soil Coarse ?Soil PH ?Exchange Capacity ?Base Saturation ?Soil Description ?
unknown                         Fine-medium sand with thin (3 cm) humus layer

User Defined Values
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