Releve Virginia Division of Natural Heritage, see
Overall Taxon Cover Values are Automatically Calculated?
Plot Quality Fields:
Plot Validation Level
(2) classification plot: sufficient for inclusion in a classification revision
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Observation Narrative
Despite small size relative to dimensions of plot, this is one of the more extensive and samplable stands of fringe marsh dominated by Echinochloa walteri that I've seen. Stand encompasses an area of ca. 200-300 sq. m and is bordered on two long sides by the James River and a tidal gut and on short sides by Zizaniopsis miliacea, which makes estimating entire extent difficult. There appears to be an extensive, interior patch of Zizaniopsis across the tidal channel. This is the first such feature observed on the James, where, as on the Rappahannock, this species typically forms a narrow, interrupted fringe along tidal hardwood swamps and non-tidal bottomland forests. Microtopography is uneven; small patches of lower elevation generally lack Echinochloa, contain surface water ca. 2 hr after high tide, and are underlain by less firm substrate.
0 - 1- partially decomposed organic matter
1 - 10 - dark gray, mucky clay, with abundant black and brown mottling and fine root material
10 - 75 - dark gray, mucky clay without mottling
75 - mineral soil
10 - water table