Releve Virginia Division of Natural Heritage, see
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(2) classification plot: sufficient for inclusion in a classification revision
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Observation Narrative
This marsh contains an unusual mixture of species characteristic of oligohaline conditions (Typha angustifolia, Kosteletzkya virginica), taxa generally considered intolerant of much salinity (Impatiens capensis, Polygonum sagittatum), and species seldom encountered in tidal marshes (Onoclea sensibilis, Helenium autumnale). Diversity is unusually high for an oligohaline marsh, but linear patch of Schoenoplectus americanus and scattered culms of Spartina cynosuroides suggest conditions at least transitional to oligohaline. Plot located ca. 20 m from relatively small (300-400 sq. m) patch of Phragmites, which has been completely killed by aerial spraying. Scattered culms of Phragmites in the plot do not appear to be invasive and may represent the native haplotype. Water depth ca. 1-2 cm in local low points at 10:30 AM.