Releve Virginia Division of Natural Heritage, see
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Plot Quality Fields:
Plot Validation Level
(2) classification plot: sufficient for inclusion in a classification revision
Overall Plot Vegetation Fields:
Tree Cover
Shrub Cover
Field Cover
Nonvascular Cover
Misc Fields:
Observation Narrative
This habitat is one of the largest, least disturbed, and most floristically unusual outcrop barrens documented on Catoctin greenstone. The vegetation is dominated by a warm season bunchgrass complex that includes Schizachyrium scoparium ssp. scoparium, Sorghastrum nutans (uncommon on greenstone), and Bouteloua curtipendula (rare on greenstone). Carex pensylvanica and Danthonia spicata are early-season graminoid dominants. Several other noteworthy species (e.g., Aster obolongifolius, Linum sulcatum var.
sulcatum, Sporobolus clandestinus, Muhlenbergia capillaris) also occur. Soils here have exceptionally high Mg for the Blue Ridge and the overall vegetation has many affinities to that of carbonate rock barrens.
Plot location: open outcrop barrens 0.31 mi. N of Dickey Ridge Visitor Center and ca. 200m downslope (W) from Skyline Drive.