Releve Virginia Division of Natural Heritage, see
Overall Taxon Cover Values are Automatically Calculated?
Stem Observation Area
Plot Quality Fields:
Plot Validation Level
(2) classification plot: sufficient for inclusion in a classification revision
Overall Plot Vegetation Fields:
Shrub Cover
Field Cover
Nonvascular Cover
Misc Fields:
Observation Narrative
A small (ca. 300 sq. meters) but floristically unusual shrubby and herbaceous seep. Groundwater emerges from a slope base just N of the plot and flows through the plot in a small rill. An 8 sq. meter shallow pool is located at plot center. Vegetation consists of sedge-dominated herbaceous openings interspersed with smaller thickets of woody scrub. A huge population of the state-rare Menyanthes trifoliata grows in shallow water under the sedges. This is undoubtedly the Menyanthes station reported by Walker in 1940 but not seen by anyone in recent decades. Four additional state-rare plants occur in the plot: Betula populifolia, Carex buxbaumii, Epilobium leptophyllum, and Sanguisorba canadensis.
Plot location: extreme NW portion of Big Meadows Swamp, 0.2 mi. ESE of Campground entrance.