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Table (DB Name)observation
Field Hydrologic Regime
DB Field Name hydrologicRegime
Req'd? no
Data Type varchar (30)
Misc Flag n/a
References n/a
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Notes closed list
Definition What is the hydrologic regime, which is a reflection of frequency and duration of flooding? List is taken from Cowardin et al. 1979, 1985.
closed List of Values:
Value Description Sorting
Semipermanently flooded Surface water persists throughout the growing season in most years. Land surface is normally saturated when water level drops below soil surface. Includes Cowardin's Intermittently Exposed and Semipermanently Flooded modifiers. 1
Seasonally flooded Surface water is present for extended periods during the growing season, but is absent by the end of the growing season in most years. The water table after flooding ceases is very variable, extending from saturated to a water table well below the ground surface. Includes Cowardin's Seasonal, Seasonal-Saturated, and Seasonal-Well Drained modifiers. 2
Saturated Surface water is seldom present, but substrate is saturated to surface for extended periods during the growing season. Equivalent to Cowardin's Saturated modifier. 3
Seasonally saturated   4
Temporarily flooded Surface water present for brief periods during growing season, but water table usually lies well below soil surface. Often characterizes flood-plain wetlands. Equivalent to Cowardin's Temporary modifier. 5
Intermittently flooded Substrate is usually exposed, but surface water can be present for variable periods without detectable seasonal periodicity. Inundation is not predictable to a given season and is dependent upon highly localized rain storms. This modifier was developed for use in the arid West for water regimes of Playa lakes, intermittent streams, and dry washes but can be used in other parts of the U.S. where appropriate. This modifier can be applied to both wetland and non-wetland situations. Equivalent to Cowardin's Intermittently Flooded modifier. 6
Permanently flooded Water covers the land surface at all times of the year in all years. Equivalent to Cowardin's "permanently flooded". 7
Permanently flooded - tidal Salt water covers the land surface at all times of the year in all years. This modifier applies only to permanently flooded area irregularly flooded by fresh tidal water. Equivalent to Cowardin's "permanently flooded/tidal". 8
Tidally flooded Flooded by the alternate rise and fall of the surface of oceans, seas, and the bays, rivers, etc. connected to them, caused by the attraction of the moon and sun. 9
Wind-tidally flooded Flooded by the alternate rise and fall of the surface of oceans, seas, and the bays, rivers, etc. connected to them, caused by the back-up of water caused by unfavorable winds. 10
Irregularly flooded Tidal water floods land surface less often than daily; the area must be flooded by tides at least once yearly as a result of extreme high spring tide plus wind plus flow. 11
Irregularly exposed Land surface is exposed by tides less often than daily; the area from mean low tide to extreme low spring tide. 12
Upland Not a wetland. Very rarely flooded. 13
Unknown   14