This table shows alternate taxa that are to be grouped for a taxonInterpretation.
When this table is used, the taxonInterpretation that is referenced here is interpreting the taxonObservation as the combination of all plantConcepts referenced in this table with the same taxonInterpretation_ID. TaxonInterpretation.groupType shows what type of group this is (one of, union, unknown).
Links to the taxonInterpretation for which several plantConcepts are grouped to form an irregular taxon. The plantConcept referenced here is one member of the group.
Indicates the degree of fit with the plant concept being assigned. Values derive from Gopal, S., and Woodcock, C. (1994), Theory and methods for accuracy assessment of thematic maps using fuzzy sets. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 60(2):181-188.
Indicates the degree of confidence of the interpreter(s) in the interpretation made. This can reflect the level of familiarity with the classification or the sufficiency of information about the plot (e.g., High, Moderate, Low).