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View VegBank Taxon Interpretations

036-04-0043 | Hasteola suaveolens (L.) Pojark.
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Plant Concept ? [Arnoglossum + Hasteola + Rugelia] [Weakley Jan 1, 2006]
Interpretation Date ? 05-Nov-2009
Party ? Peet, Robert
Role ? Data Manager
Interpretation Type ? Correction
Original Interpretation ? no
Current Interpretation ? no
Taxon Fit ? Reasonable or acceptable answer
Taxon Confidence ? Medium
Notes ? All of project 36's Hasteola suaveolens is being dropped in precision to [Arnoglossum + Hasteola + Rugelia]. From Ed Schwartzman: "I've never seen the plant but it's supposed to grow in rich, sandy bottomlands. These locations are nowhere near that habitat type. From the location and aerials, I'd say these areas are either Acidic Cove, Northern Hardwoods, or high elevation upland forest." Chris Ulrey and Bob Peet agree and decided on Cacalia s.l.
Notes Public ? f
Notes Mgt ? f
Revisions ? f
Accession Code ? urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:taxonInterpretation:216785-{E6C5057A-CC1A-4A4A-861A-91CA1577EF72}