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041-04-0575 | Arisaema triphyllum (L.) Schott ssp. stewardsonii (Britt.) Huttleston
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Plant Concept ? Arisaema triphyllum [Weakley Jan 1, 2006]
Interpretation Date ? 15-Jun-2012
Party ? Peet, Robert
Role ? Data Manager
Interpretation Type ? Correction
Original Interpretation ? no
Current Interpretation ? no
Taxon Fit ? Good answer
Taxon Confidence ? Medium
Notes ? It was a very rich site, but not boggy. Perhaps safer to simply change the ID to Arisaema triphyllum and omit the ssp.
Notes Public ? f
Notes Mgt ? f
Revisions ? f
Accession Code ? urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:taxonInterpretation:298670-{4A69EA6E-B59A-4168-9E0D-6AD3C3D0BA4F}