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Taxon:Quercus virginiana
Observation ? 085-FCSP-0029
Author Plant Name ? Quercus virginiana
Reference ? Flora of Virginia 2012
Interpretations of this Taxon:
Plant Concept ?: Quercus virginiana
Interpretation Date ?: 04-Oct-2008
Party ?: Fleming, Gary
Interpretation Type ?: Author
Original Interpretation ?: yes
Current Interpretation ?: yes
Taxon Fit ?:
Taxon Confidence ?:
Group Type ?:
ACTION: Interpret This Plant
Taxon Importance Values:
Stratum ?Cover ?Original Cover Code ?Basal Area ?Biomass ?Inference Area ? Stems:Stem Diameters (graphically):
87.5 %
DBH ?DBH err ?Ht. ?Ht. Err ?# ?
3.75 cm ± 1.25 cm     2 stem(s)
7.5 cm ± 2.5 cm     7 stem(s)
12.5 cm ± 2.5 cm     6 stem(s)
17.5 cm ± 2.5 cm     15 stem(s)
22.5 cm ± 2.5 cm     6 stem(s)
27.5 cm ± 2.5 cm     1 stem(s)
32.5 cm ± 2.5 cm     1 stem(s)
37.5 cm ± 2.5 cm     1 stem(s)
40.5 cm ± 0.5 cm     1 stem(s)
42.5 cm ± 0.5 cm     1 stem(s)
stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem