EcoArt 2002
This alliance is found in the Great Lakes region and northeastern United States and southern Canada. The canopy is closed and dominated by ~Thuja occidentalis$ with a mix of other coniferous and deciduous trees. The associated trees vary across the range of this alliance. In the East, ~Acer saccharum, Betula alleghaniensis, Fraxinus americana, Pinus resinosa$ (in the eastern parts of this alliance's range), ~Quercus muehlenbergii, Quercus rubra$, and ~Tsuga canadensis$ are common associates, while in the northern states and Canada ~Abies balsamea, Betula papyrifera, Pinus strobus$ (also in the East), and ~Populus tremuloides$ can be abundant. The understory is sparse in eastern stands of this alliance but often diverse with a prominent tall-shrub/sapling layer and abundant herbaceous ground layer species in the western Great Lakes states. The tall-shrub/sapling layer contains species such as saplings of ~Thuja occidentalis$ and ~Abies balsamea$ (in the North) and the shrubs ~Acer spicatum, Corylus cornuta, Lonicera canadensis, Rubus pubescens$, and ~Sorbus decora$. The ground layer is diverse on mesic stands and less so on steep, drier stands. Typical species in the North include ~Aralia nudicaulis, Eurybia macrophylla (= Aster macrophyllus), Clintonia borealis, Cornus canadensis, Galium triflorum, Maianthemum canadense, Mitella nuda$, and ~Trientalis borealis$. In the East the sedge ~Carex eburnea$ and the ferns ~Polypodium virginianum, Cypripedium arietinum, Dryopteris intermedia$, and ~Cystopteris bulbifera$ characterize the understory. ^Communities in this alliance are found on gentle wet-mesic slopes to very steep well-drained slopes. The predominant aspect is north to northeast. Soils are fine-textured, calcareous, moderately deep to deep (50-100 cm), and often contain boulders at the surface.
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