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A.1500 | EcoArt 2002
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Name: A.1500
Reference: EcoArt 2002
Description: Stands of this alliance are widely distributed along the northern and western margins of the Great Basin, from southwestern Idaho to northeastern California, from 200 m to over 1500 m elevation. Throughout the range the climate is semi-arid, with 23-36 cm of precipitation annually. Most of the precipitation is winter rain. The temperature regime is cool summer-continental, with a wide range in diurnal temperatures and night frosts through most of the year. Summer lightning storms and associated fires are common in the environments where this type occurs and are presumably important in structuring the vegetation. Generally soils are medium-textured, with abundant coarse fragments, and derived from volcanic parent materials. In central Oregon, the center of its range, vegetation of this alliance is found on all aspects and slope positions. Vegetation within this alliance is usually characterized by a sparse overstory of ~Juniperus occidentalis$. ~Cercocarpus ledifolius$, a tall shrub or small tree, may also be common. Other shrubs which commonly occur in these woodlands are ~Purshia tridentata, Ericameria nauseosa (= Chrysothamnus nauseosus), Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus, Ribes cereum$, and ~Artemisia rigida, Artemisia arbuscula$ or ~Artemisia tridentata$. The herbaceous layer is usually comprised of annual and perennial grasses such as ~Pseudoroegneria spicata, Festuca idahoensis, Poa secunda, Koeleria macrantha$, and ~Stipa$ spp. Common forbs include ~Achillea millefolium, Balsamorhiza$ spp., and ~Trifolium macrocephalum$. Adjacent vegetation is most commonly ~Pinus ponderosa$ forests, ~Juniperus occidentalis$ woodlands, or ~Artemisia$ steppe. 
Accession Code: VB.CC.1270.A1500
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: 0
      Party Perspective according to: NatureServe (organization)
Perspective from: 26-Nov-1997 to: 17-Mar-2005
  • status: accepted
  • Community's Parent: V.A.6.N.f
  • This Community's Level: Alliance
  • This Community's Children: [none]
  Code: A.1500
  Common: Western Juniper Wooded Herbaceous Alliance
(convergence) and Synonyms:
(undetermined) Juniperus occidentalis Wooded Herbaceous Alliance