EcoArt 2002
Limestone outcrops in the southeastern Coastal Plain. These are generally small outcrops, typically partly or fully canopied by trees rooted in adjacent forest communities. Characteristic mosses include ~Anomodon attenuatus$ and ~Conocephalum conicum$. The alliance occurs on limestone outcrops 1-5 m high, on lower slopes adjoining bottomlands, mostly to entirely shaded by trees rooted in deeper soils of adjoining forests, but with highly distinctive floristic composition. Shrubs and woody vines, such as ~Decumaria barbara, Hydrangea quercifolia, Ptelea trifoliata, Acer barbatum$, and the alien ~Lonicera japonica$, are sometimes rooted in solution pockets in the top and sides of the outcrops and can be locally abundant. Herbaceous species include ~Aquilegia canadensis, Polymnia laevigata, Thelypteris kunthii, Asplenium heterochroum, Asplenium X heteroresiliens, Asplenium platyneuron var. platyneuron, Cystopteris tennesseensis, Pilea pumila, Laportea canadensis, Pachysandra procumbens, Urtica chamaedryoides, Melica mutica, Arenaria lanuginosa, Chaerophyllum tainturieri, Arabis lyrata, Oxalis$ sp., ~Arenaria lanuginosa$, and ~Carex willdenowii$. Bryophytes are locally abundant, and include ~Anomodon attenuatus, Conocephalum conicum$, and ~Marchantia$ sp. The lowermost portions of the outcrops are very rarely flooded by extreme flood events.
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