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A.1700 | EcoArt 2002
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Name: A.1700
Reference: EcoArt 2002
Description: Vegetation in this alliance occurs in the alpine tundra in the mountains of Colorado. The climate regime is continental, with long, cold winters and short summers with frequent afternoon thunderstorms. Strong westerly winds are common in the winter and spring and distribute snow on the leeward side of the mountains. Large areas of late-lying snowpatches are located on the eastern slope. Stands are found between 3360 and 3510 m elevation on lakeshores and streambanks. Stands occur in areas where snow accumulates in the winter and melts late in the summer. Soils are young and poorly developed due to low soil temperature, low soil moisture during the summer, and a short growing season. Soils are classified as Entisols (Cryorthents). The soil profile has one or two thin horizons. The average surface pH is 5.4, slightly acidic, possibly due to leaching from late-lying snow. The majority of the ground surface is covered with bare soil and rock. Stands are small, and the number and cover of herbaceous species are low. ~Rorippa alpina$ is the dominant species in the herbaceous canopy, and ~Epilobium anagallidifolium$ is a common associate. The cryptogam layer may have a greater cover than the herbaceous; ~Bryum turbinatum, Philonotis fontana var. pumila (= Philonotis tomentella)$, and ~Pohlia drummondii$ are constant moss species. 
Accession Code: VB.CC.1449.A1700
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: 0
      Party Perspective according to: NatureServe (organization)
Perspective from: 26-Nov-1997 to: 17-Mar-2005
  • status: accepted
  • Community's Parent: V.B.2.N.f
  • This Community's Level: Alliance
  • This Community's Children: [none]
  Code: A.1700
  Common: Yellowcress Saturated Herbaceous Alliance
(convergence) and Synonyms:
(undetermined) Rorippa alpina Saturated Herbaceous Alliance