EcoArt 2002
This broadly defined alliance is found throughout the southeastern and midwestern United States, as well as several Great Plains states and Canadian provinces. The vegetation is generally found in open water less than 2 m deep with emergent cover of floating-leaved aquatics up to 25% and submerged aquatics at least 25%. Individual stands may be dominated by a single species, leading to any number of dominance types, and until the patterns are better understood, these are all grouped together in one alliance. In northern parts of the range, stands may be dominated by ~Potamogeton$ spp., including ~Potamogeton natans, Stuckenia pectinata (= Potamogeton pectinatus), Potamogeton zosteriformis$, and ~Potamogeton richardsonii$; ~Ceratophyllum$ spp., including ~Ceratophyllum demersum$; ~Elodea$ spp., including ~Elodea canadensis$; and ~Myriophyllum$ spp., including ~Myriophyllum verticillatum$. Other associated species include emergents such as ~Zizania palustris, Utricularia macrorhiza, Nuphar$ spp., ~Ranunculus longirostris, Chara$ spp., ~Lemna$ spp., ~Spirodela polyrrhiza$, and ~Vallisneria americana$. ~Potamogeton nodosus$ and ~Ceratophyllum demersum$ are reported from stands in Oklahoma. Other associated species in the southern part of the range may include ~Potamogeton diversifolius, Potamogeton nodosus, Ceratophyllum demersum, Stuckenia pectinata, Elodea canadensis, Elodea nuttallii, Cabomba caroliniana, Heteranthera dubia, Hottonia inflata, Myriophyllum pinnatum$, and ~Proserpinaca$ spp. The exotic ~Egeria densa$ may also be present and may crowd out native components. ^Stands are often found in sheltered bays of lakes and streams. Water hardness may play an important role in species patterns within this group.
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