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A.1874 | EcoArt 2002
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Name: A.1874
Reference: EcoArt 2002
Description: This vegetation is known from badlands in the northwestern Great Plains on acid-shale barrens. Elevation in Montana is approximately 1000 m. Stands occur on dry scree slopes, as well as acid-shale barrens. Sites are common on moderate to steep, highly eroded slopes with southern and western aspects. Substrates may be deep, but are poorly developed, fine-textured soils derived from acid marine shales. Because of a large coarse fraction of shale fragments, these soils may be better drained than expected. The sparse vegetation layer is less than 1 m tall and is dominated by the perennial forb ~Artemisia longifolia$ with ~Eriogonum pauciflorum$ sometimes codominating. Scattered graminoids and other forbs are also typically present and may include ~Achnatherum hymenoides (= Oryzopsis hymenoides), Calamagrostis montanensis, Calamovilfa longifolia, Schizachyrium scoparium, Solidago missouriensis, Stellaria media$, and ~Thermopsis rhombifolia$. Occasional ~Rosa arkansana$ shrubs are often present. 
Accession Code: VB.CC.1573.A1874
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: 0
      Party Perspective according to: NatureServe (organization)
Perspective from: 26-Nov-1997 to: 17-Mar-2005
  • status: accepted
  • Community's Parent: VII.C.3.N.b
  • This Community's Level: Alliance
  • This Community's Children: [none]
  Code: A.1874
  Common: Longleaf Wormwood Sparsely Vegetated Alliance
(convergence) and Synonyms:
(undetermined) Artemisia longifolia Sparsely Vegetated Alliance