EcoArt 2002
Wet depressions, lakes, and ponds dominated by various ~Polygonum$ species (section Persicaria), singly or in combination, or with other obligate wetland plant species. Associations have been described that are dominated by, or contain, ~Polygonum amphibium, Polygonum densiflorum, Polygonum hydropiperoides, Polygonum lapathifolium, Polygonum pensylvanicum, Polygonum punctatum$, and/or related ~Polygonum$ spp. The many associated species vary with geography and habitat. In western Kentucky, this alliance occurs in marshes associated with the Ohio River in backflood areas around oxbows, beaver-flooded areas, levees, and depressional drainages. Associated species include ~Nelumbo lutea, Cephalanthus occidentalis, Sagittaria brevirostra, Peltandra virginica$, and ~Juncus effusus$. Associates in Oklahoma include ~Ammannia coccinea, Helianthus annuus, Lemna minor, Stuckenia pectinata (= Potamogeton pectinatus), Spirodela polyrrhiza, Utricularia gibba (= Utricularia biflora)$, and ~Xanthium strumarium$. In Mississippi, one example of this vegetation is dominated by the perennial ~Polygonum densiflorum$; associated species include ~Lemna minor, Saccharum giganteum, Hydrocotyle umbellata, Saururus cernuus, Carex lupulina, Triadenum walteri, Cephalanthus occidentalis, Leersia$ sp., ~Ludwigia peploides, Boehmeria cylindrica, Juncus effusus, Rhynchospora corniculata, Ludwigia decurrens, Habenaria repens, Mikania scandens, Scirpus cyperinus$, and others. It occurs as a band ringing the shores of ponds in the East Gulf Coastal Plain and along the banks of ditches and sloughs in the Mississippi River Alluvial Plain. This alliance also occurs in a wide variety of human- and beaver-created wetlands. Composition is highly variable and re-evaluation may be required as additional data become available.
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