EcoArt 2002
Freshwater lunar-tidal or wind-tidal forests, associated with tidal marshes of the Atlantic Coastal Plain. The canopy consists of ~Pinus taeda, Nyssa biflora, Taxodium distichum, Acer rubrum$, and ~Liquidambar styraciflua$. ~Acer rubrum$ and ~Liquidambar styraciflua$ may also be important, especially in the subcanopy stratum. ~Morella cerifera (= Myrica cerifera var. cerifera)$ is characteristically dominant in the shrub layer, sometimes reaching subcanopy heights (6-10 m). Other small tree and shrub components include ~Persea palustris, Itea virginica, Clethra alnifolia, Vaccinium formosum, Rosa palustris, Magnolia virginiana, Rhododendron viscosum, Leucothoe racemosa, Lyonia ligustrina var. foliosiflora, Photinia pyrifolia (= Aronia arbutifolia)$, and, in more open transitional zones, ~Salix caroliniana$. ~Smilax laurifolia$ and ~Smilax rotundifolia$ are common vines, and ~Toxicodendron radicans ssp. radicans$ and ~Berchemia scandens$ also occur. ~Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis$ is often the strong dominant of the herbaceous stratum, but also occurs in a more mixed condition with ~Carex stricta, Carex atlantica ssp. capillacea, Hydrocotyle verticillata, Chasmanthium laxum, Woodwardia areolata, Osmunda cinnamomea, Juncus$ spp., and ~Rhynchospora caduca$. This alliance is found on relatively firm, poorly decomposed, fibrous and root-rich peat, which usually overlies soupy, well-decomposed peat at depths of about 0.5-1.0 m. Microtopography frequently exhibits a strong hummock-and-hollow pattern, with hollows retaining standing water through much of the year. Flooding by wind tides is frequent, and habitats may be inundated to depths of 0.5 m or more by occasional powerful wind-tide events. This alliance may have complex long-term dynamics, related to inlet closing and opening.
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