Scirpus cyperinus - Panicum rigidulum - Rhynchospora corniculata - (Dulichium arundinaceum) Herbaceous Vegetation
Southeastern Ecology Working Gro...
This association is a component of emergent zones in upland depression ponds of the Interior Low Plateau of Kentucky, Tennessee, and possibly Indiana, as well as in the Upper East Gulf Coastal Plain of Alabama. The vegetation is typically dominated by patches or zones of Scirpus cyperinus, possibly with thick mats of Dulichium arundinaceum. In addition to these, various Carex spp., Juncus coriaceus, Juncus effusus, Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis, Panicum rigidulum, Rhynchospora spp., and scattered Itea virginica and Cephalanthus occidentalis are often found. Floristics and gradient expression vary with context and management. Some examples may have additional small trees and shrubs, such as Acer rubrum var. trilobum, Alnus serrulata, Hibiscus moscheutos, Liquidambar styraciflua, Nyssa biflora, Pinus taeda, Quercus phellos, and Rosa palustris scattered within. On drier ground (either surrounding the pond center or scattered about on hummocks), Scirpus cyperinus may share dominance with Panicum rigidulum var. elongatum and Rhynchospora corniculata. Some other herbaceous species which are present may include Andropogon virginicus, Carex bullata, Carex gigantea, Carex lurida, Calamagrostis coarctata, Dichanthelium dichotomum var. dichotomum, Dichanthelium longiligulatum, Dichanthelium scoparium, Eleocharis sp., Leersia hexandra, Ludwigia alternifolia, Ludwigia leptocarpa, Ludwigia palustris, Lycopus sp., Proserpinaca pectinata, Rhexia mariana, Rhynchospora chalarocephala, Rhynchospora corniculata, Rhynchospora glomerata, Rhynchospora perplexa, Saccharum baldwinii, Triadenum virginicum, Xyris laxifolia var. iridifolia, and Xyris smalliana. The vegetation may consist of monospecific clumps of the component species, which are present around the pond margin, or scattered on hummocks within. Zones or areas of deeper water may support floating aquatics, including Nymphaea odorata and Utricularia gibba. Stands may have a pronounced seasonal fluctuation in water level, becoming saturated to ponded in the winter and often drying completely in the summer.
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