Prosopis velutina Shrubland Alliance
Western Ecology Working Group of...
This shrubland alliance occurs in the Chihuahuan and Sonoran deserts. Sites include sandy plains, mesas, bajadas, drainage terraces and channels, floodplains and rocky slopes. Although Prosopis velutina is deep rooted, it typically occurs on sites with shallow water tables, especially along arroyos. Sites are generally flat or on gentle to moderate south-facing slopes. Substrates are generally coarse-textured, but may include gravelly clay loams. Some sites are moderately saline. Shrublands included in this alliance are dominated by the shrub/small tree Prosopis velutina. Acacia greggii andCeltis laevigata var. reticulata are frequent riparian scrub codominants. These shrublands often have high shrub diversity and may include Acacia constricta, Chilopsis linearis, Ericameria laricifolia, Gutierrezia sarothrae, Hymenoclea salsola, Isocoma tenuisecta, Juniperus monosperma, Larrea tridentata, Mimosa aculeaticarpa var. biuncifera (= Mimosa biuncifera), and Rhus spp. The herbaceous layer has sparse to moderate cover of medium-tall and short perennial grasses. Characteristic perennial grasses include Aristida spp., Bouteloua curtipendula, Bouteloua eriopoda, Dasyochloa pulchella (= Erioneuron pulchellum), Elymus elymoides, Hilaria belangeri, Muhlenbergia porteri, and Sporobolus spp. Annual grasses are present, but have sparse cover. Forbs are also sparse, but may include species of Datura, Mentzelia, Polanisia, and Rumex. Succulents are often present and may include Agave spp., Ferocactus wislizeni, Opuntia spp., Yucca baccata, or Yucca elata depending on geography. Diagnostic of this alliance is the dominance of Prosopis velutina in the shrub layer.
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