EcoArt 2002
Forests in this alliance occur on riverfronts in areas with repeated, frequent, natural disturbance in the form of flooding. In addition to the codominants ~Betula nigra$ and ~Platanus occidentalis$, a variety of canopy species occur in these forests, including ~Acer negundo, Populus deltoides, Acer saccharinum, Salix nigra, Celtis laevigata, Quercus laurifolia, Liriodendron tulipifera$, and ~Liquidambar styraciflua$. The subcanopy or tall-shrub strata may include ~Cornus florida$ and ~Carpinus caroliniana$, along with ~Acer rubrum, Ilex opaca, Ulmus alata, Prunus serotina$, and ~Carya$ spp. The shrub layer is often sparse with such species as ~Asimina triloba, Lindera benzoin, Crataegus marshallii$, and ~Crataegus viridis$ present. The herbaceous and vine components may be lush and diverse, and species of these strata include ~Boehmeria cylindrica, Campsis radicans, Elymus hystrix, Stellaria pubera, Impatiens capensis, Pilea pumila, Bignonia capreolata, Toxicodendron radicans, Berchemia scandens, Campsis radicans, Parthenocissus quinquefolia, Vitis rotundifolia, Chasmanthium latifolium (= Uniola latifolia), Arundinaria gigantea$, and ~Podophyllum peltatum$. These forests occur more frequently on sandy soils than on heavier soils and their most characteristic location is on levees. The soils are deep and well-drained with low organic matter content and are most commonly of the Orders Inceptisol and Entisol. This is a wide ranging alliance that occurs throughout most of the southeastern and midwestern United States.
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