EcoArt 2002
This alliance, found throughout the central midwestern and southeastern United States, contains riverfront floodplain forests. The tree canopy is tall (to 30 m) and dominated by ~Populus deltoides$ and ~Salix nigra$, although ~Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Acer negundo, Acer rubrum, Acer saccharinum, Platanus occidentalis$, and ~Ulmus americana$ are also commonly encountered in various parts of this alliance's range. Tree diversity is limited due to the dynamics of flooding and deposition/scouring of sediments. The shrub layer is often sparse, but species such as ~Salix exigua, Carpinus caroliniana, Lindera benzoin, Cornus drummondii$ and, in the Southeast, ~Ilex vomitoria, Ilex opaca var. opaca$, and ~Forestiera acuminata$ can be found. Herbaceous growth can be thick and lush but is often patchy and sparse due to frequent inundation. Herbaceous species found throughout the range of this alliance are not well known, but in parts of the range, species can include ~Carex$ spp., ~Leersia oryzoides, Bidens$ spp., Asteraceae spp., ~Eragrostis hypnoides, Lipocarpha micrantha, Rumex maritimus, Potentilla paradoxa$, and, more commonly in the Southeast, ~Leptochloa panicea ssp. mucronata (= Leptochloa mucronata)$ and ~Mikania scandens$. ^Stands are found primarily along riverfronts, where they develop on bare, moist soil on newly made sand bars, front-land ridges, and well-drained flats. Soils are formed in alluvium, are deep, medium-textured, and with adequate or excessive moisture available for vegetation during the growing season. This alliance can also be found on abandoned fields and well-drained ridges in the first bottoms.
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