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Elymus caninus - Festuca roemeri - (Koeleria macrantha) Herbaceous Vegetation | Western Ecology Working Group of...
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Name: Elymus caninus - Festuca roemeri - (Koeleria macrantha) Herbaceous Vegetation
Reference: Western Ecology Working Group of...
Description: This is an upland prairie grassland that formerly dominated habitats in western Oregon and Washington. High-quality remnants are very rare, restricted to a few small reserves and remnants. Soils are well to moderately well-drained silts or silty clays, usually deep and occasionally stony. Elevations are between 100 and 2000 feet, aspects and slopes variable. Festuca roemeri (= Festuca idahoensis var. roemeri) dominates most sites, with Koeleria macrantha as a constant associate at low cover. Elymus caninus is important at one site, and a minor associate at another, but is included as a codominant because it is has been reported to be dominant in presettlement accounts and by local experts. Bromus carinatus, Elymus glaucus, and Poa secunda are often present. Danthonia californica is important at some sites, although this is probably a result of grazing pressure. Most areas are forb rich, with the most common forbs including Sidalcea malviflora ssp. virgata (= Sidalcea virgata), Balsamorhiza deltoidea, Delphinium menziesii or Delphinium nuttallii ssp. nuttallii (= Delphinium oreganum) on the eastern side of the Willamette Valley, Delphinium menziesii on the west), Symphyotrichum hallii (= Aster hallii), Fragaria vesca, Lupinus sp., Ranunculus occidentalis, Achillea millefolium, Eriophyllum lanatum, and Lomatium utriculatum. Non-native species (Arrhenatherum elatius, Poa pratensis, Lolium arundinaceum (= Festuca arundinacea), Cynosurus echinatus, Dactylis glomerata and many others) often invade this association with grazing pressure. Remnant sites usually occur in a matrix with Oregon oak woodlands and agriculture. This plant community depends on fire for maintenance. In the absence of fire, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Quercus garryana, Toxicodendron diversilobum, Symphoricarpos albus or non-native trees and shrubs invade and dominate these grasslands. 
Accession Code: VB.CC.19546.ELYMUSCANINUSFE
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: 0
      Party Perspective according to: NatureServe (organization)
Perspective from: 26-Nov-1997 to: 17-Nov-2014
      Names:   Translated: Bearded Wild Rye - Roemer's Fescue - (Prairie Junegrass) Herbaceous Vegetation
  UID: ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.684435 NatureServe ExplorerNatureServe Explorer logo
  Code: CEGL001744
  Scientific: Elymus caninus - Festuca roemeri - (Koeleria macrantha) Herbaceous Vegetation
  Common: Cutting Wheatgrass - Red Fescue - (Junegrass) Grassland
(convergence) and Synonyms:
(undetermined) Elymus caninus - Festuca roemeri - (Koeleria macrantha) Herbaceous Vegetation