Rhynchospora oligantha - Sarracenia (alata, psittacina) - Carphephorus pseudoliatris Herbaceous Vegetation
Southeastern Ecology Working Gro...
This seepage bog association occurs west of the distribution of Aristida beyrichiana and other species characteristic of the more eastern portion of the East Gulf Coastal Plain. Characteristic species include Rhynchospora oligantha, Sarracenia alata, Sarracenia psittacina, Andropogon mohrii, Andropogon gyrans var. stenophyllus (= Andropogon perangustatus), Aristida palustris, Doellingeria sericocarpoides (= Aster umbellatus var. latifolius), Calopogon spp., Carphephorus pseudoliatris, Ctenium aromaticum, Eriocaulon decangulare, Eriocaulon texense, Helianthus heterophyllus, Lachnocaulon digynum, Lilium catesbaei, Macranthera flammea (rarely), Muhlenbergia expansa, Pinguicula lutea, Pinguicula planifolia, Platanthera integra, Rhynchospora chapmanii, Sabatia macrophylla, Scleria muehlenbergii (= Scleria reticularis var. pubescens), Stokesia laevis, and Triantha racemosa (= Tofieldia racemosa).
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