Pinus edulis / Sparse Understory Forest
Western Ecology Working Group of...
These forests and woodlands occur in foothills, mesas, plateaus and mountains of New Mexico, Arizona and Utah. Sites are flat to moderately sloping. Stands frequently occur on less xeric, northern and eastern exposures, but can occur on all aspects. Substrates are variable, but often include eroded, shallow, coarse-textured substrates such as cinder (but not rock outcrops) that limit understory growth. Cover of tree litter is dense in some stands. A moderately dense (over 25% cover) to dense tree canopy with little or no understory characterizes the vegetation. The tree canopy is dominated by Pinus edulis. Other trees may codominate especially one or more of several species of Juniperus that vary with geography. If other species of Pinus are present they do not codominate. The sparse understory (<10% cover and usually <2%) may include scattered shrubs, dwarf-shrubs, succulents, grasses and forbs, such as Ageratina herbacea, Cercocarpus montanus, Fallugia paradoxa, Rhus trilobata, Gutierrezia sarothrae, Achnatherum hymenoides, and species of Poa, Opuntia, Yucca, Penstemon, and Phlox. The original concept of this association was of a nearly closed, Pinus edulis-dominated tree canopy that shaded out understory vegetation and often occurred on relatively mesic sites with high tree growth potential. However, the association also now includes fire-suppressed stands, woodlands growing on eroded or "badlands" substrates, and/or over-grazed stands that lack understory vegetation.
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