Schizachyrium scoparium - Andropogon (gyrans, ternarius, virginicus) Herbaceous Vegetation
Southeastern Ecology Working Gro...
This mixed-grass association represents a variety of essentially native perennial grasslands which are (or have been) human-maintained to some extent and which contain a variable mix of Schizachyrium scoparium with Andropogon spp. It may occur on annually mowed powerline rights-of-way, mowed successional or abandoned agricultural fields, pastures, etc. Examples are known from the Eastern and Western Highland Rim of Tennessee, related areas of Kentucky, as well as possibly Alabama. It is described and documented from the Interior Low Plateau, but it could range into the adjacent Upper East Gulf Coastal Plain. Schizachyrium scoparium is codominant along with a variable mixture of the nominal Andropogon species. In examples from the Eastern Highland Rim of Coffee County, Tennessee (Arnold Air Force Base), other dominant grasses may include Dichanthelium aciculare (= Dichanthelium angustifolium), Gymnopogon brevifolius, and Dichanthelium dichotomum var. dichotomum (= var. ramulosum). On the Western Highland Rim of middle Tennessee, these barrens occur on winter-wet, summer-dry loessal soils, which are generally deep, with chert fragments; rock outcrops are absent. The presence of this vegetation may be related to remnant surficial deposits of Cretaceous gravels which remain on some of the high flat ridges in this landscape. Some forbs found in these examples include Asclepias amplexicaulis, Sericocarpus linifolius, Boltonia sp., Comandra umbellata, Eupatorium album, Eupatorium serotinum, Galium pilosum, Helianthus atrorubens, Helianthus mollis, Hypericum virgatum (= Hypericum denticulatum var. acutifolium), Hypericum punctatum, Mimosa microphylla (= Schrankia microphylla), Monarda fistulosa, Parthenium integrifolium, Pycnanthemum tenuifolium, Rudbeckia hirta, Sabatia angularis, and Tephrosia virginiana.
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Translated: Little Bluestem - (Elliott's Beardgrass, Splitbeard Bluestem, Common Broomsedge) Herbaceous Vegetation
Code: CEGL007707
Scientific: Schizachyrium scoparium - Andropogon (gyrans, ternarius, virginicus) Herbaceous Vegetation
Common: Little Bluestem - Broomsedge Grasslands
(convergence) and Synonyms:
Schizachyrium scoparium - Andropogon (gyrans, ternarius, virginicus) Herbaceous Vegetation