Schizachyrium scoparium - Sorghastrum nutans - Coreopsis lanceolata - Croton willdenowii Wooded Herbaceous Vegetation
Midwestern Ecology Working Group...
This igneous glade type is found in the Missouri Ozarks region of the United States. Stands occur on gentle to moderately steep slopes of hills and broad mountain domes, upland ridges, and along drainages. Aspect is variable, but is best developed on south- and west-facing slopes. Soils are very rapidly drained, with seasonal saturation in winter or spring, and very shallow (0-40 cm). The parent material is igneous (felsite, rhyolite, dellenite, granite), with highly irregular exposed bedrock, often interspersed with massive outcrops of boulders and scattered rock fragments. Disturbances include extreme drought, frost-heave from winter-saturated soils, and infrequent fires. The vegetation is dominated by medium-tall herbaceous vegetation, with scattered, stunted and gnarled trees and shrubs typically less than 10% cover. Mosses and lichen are abundant on the exposed rock. Trees and shrubs include Quercus stellata, Quercus marilandica and Rhus copallinum. Dominant grasses include Sorghastrum nutans, Schizachyrium scoparium and Sporobolus clandestinus. Dominant forbs include Ambrosia bidentata and Diodia teres. Other characteristic species include Aristida dichotoma, Coreopsis lanceolata, Croton willdenowii (= Crotonopsis elliptica), Dichanthelium acuminatum, Hypericum gentianoides, Lespedeza capitata, Oenothera linifolia, Polygala sanguinea, Polygonum tenue, Talinum calycinum, and Trichostema dichotomum. Lichens include Pleopsidium chlorophanum (= Acarospora chlorophana), Cladina spp., Cladonia caroliniana, Cladonia strepsilis, Placidium lachneum (= Dermatocarpon lachneum), Punctelia hypoleucites (= Parmelia hypoleucites), and Xanthoparmelia spp.
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