Crataegus spathulata Shrubland Alliance
Southeastern Ecology Working Gro...
The shrubland vegetation of the Cook Mountain Calcareous Prairies consists of clumps or thickets of shrubs, most notably Crataegus spp. (Crataegus spathulata, Crataegus crus-galli, Crataegus berberifolia). Other dominant vines and shrubs include Berchemia scandens, Cornus drummondii, Diospyros virginiana, Juniperus virginiana var. virginiana, Ilex decidua, Sideroxylon lanuginosum ssp. lanuginosum, Prunus mexicana, Frangula caroliniana, and Rubus spp. The tall-shrub stratum (2-5 m high) ranges from 25-60% cover. Open examples include a sparse to patchy ground cover. Grasses include Schizachyrium scoparium, Andropogon glomeratus, Andropogon gerardii, Sporobolus spp., Setaria parviflora, Panicum flexile, Aristida spp., Paspalum floridanum, and Sorghastrum nutans. This successional shrubland community develops on soils derived from marly clays and chalk of marine origin. These soils are typically silty clay loams, clays, and silt loams that are well-drained, slowly permeable, and alkaline (pH 7.5-8.0). Subsurface clay layers have calcareous concretions, weathered limestone aggregations, and shrink-swell properties. This community typically occupies 1-8 hectares within calcareous forests dominated by Pinus taeda or Quercus spp. This community occurs in a nearly level to gently rolling landscape, on ridgetops and on gentle slopes that often border small streams. Moisture regimes are typically dry to dry-mesic.
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