Carex scirpoidea - Geum rossii Herbaceous Vegetation
Western Ecology Working Group of...
This community has been described for only southwestern Montana in the Tobacco Root, East Pioneer and Madison ranges. Stands may be restricted to non-calcareous substrates, having been reported from granitic, intrusive volcanics, and gneiss parent materials (all non-calcareous) in mountain ranges that have an abundance of exposed calcareous substrates. This association spans nearly the full range of alpine elevations in this portion of Montana, from 9300-10,340 feet. Sampled sites are about evenly divided between low-gradient slopes and steeper slopes, with all aspects represented. The most characteristic environmental parameter is some degree of enhanced effective moisture (relative to dry turf associations) through increased snowpack or delayed snowmelt. This vegetation occurs as small to large patches, often scattered among boulders that act as eddy current creating snow fences, serving to increase snowpack in their immediate vicinities. Fibrous-rooted graminoids dominate and create an alpine turf community, not much exceeding 1 dm in height, with the exception of flowering stalks. Graminoids average about 40% canopy cover. Though named for Carex scirpoidea, which has a high constancy and average canopy cover (24%) and is considered diagnostic, other Carex spp. (Carex phaeocephala, Carex albonigra, Carex atrosquama) are diagnostic as well (note none of the above-named Carices are employed as naming-species elsewhere in the National Vegetation Classification System). Other high-constancy graminoids include Luzula spicata, Poa alpina, Poa secunda, and Trisetum spicatum, with the moister sites having scattered Deschampsia caespitosa (under 5% cover). Exhibiting 100% constancy and 37% average canopy cover Geum rossii is a conspicuous dominant; other high-constancy forbs include Minuartia obtusiloba, Potentilla diversifolia, Phlox pulvinata, Polygonum bistortoides, Erigeron simplex, Lloydia serotina, and Lupinus argenteus. This association most frequently grades to drier turf or cushion plant communities, usually Carex elynoides Herbaceous Vegetation (CEGL001852) or Carex rupestris - Potentilla ovina Herbaceous Vegetation (CEGL001862) of more exposed positions and DRY SLOPE and MOIST SLOPE community types on steeper, more unstable slopes.
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