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Conocarpus erectus - Metopium toxiferum Saturated Forest Alliance | Southeastern Ecology Working Gro...
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Name: Conocarpus erectus - Metopium toxiferum Saturated Forest Alliance
Reference: Southeastern Ecology Working Gro...
Description: This wetland hammock alliance occurs as 'tree islands' in wet prairies of southern Florida, generally dominated by Conocarpus erectus and Metopium toxiferum. Other tree species in the 4- to 15-m tall canopy are Acoelorraphe wrightii (= Paurotis wrightii) and Sabal palmetto, which often occur as 'emergents,' forming a conspicuous open supercanopy over the dense lower canopy. Subcanopy and shrub species include Chrysobalanus icaco, Sabal palmetto, and Myrsine floridana. Epiphytes are abundant, and include Tillandsia spp. and Encyclia tampensis. 
Accession Code: VB.CC.20947.CONOCARPUSERECT
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: 0
      Party Perspective according to: NatureServe (organization)
Perspective from: 26-Nov-1997 to: 01-May-2019
  • status: accepted
  • This Community's Level: Alliance
  • This Community's Children: [none]
Names:   Scientific: Conocarpus erectus - Metopium toxiferum Saturated Forest Alliance
  Translated: Buttonwood - Poisonwood Saturated Forest Alliance
  UID: HIGHER_CLASS_UNIT.2.125370 NatureServe ExplorerNatureServe Explorer logo
  Code: A.77