Spartina pectinata - Eleocharis spp. - Carex spp. Herbaceous Vegetation
Midwestern Ecology Working Group...
This wet grassland community is found in the southern Great Plains on deep, poorly drained soils on level to nearly level sites near lakes, seeps, or alluvial lowlands. The soils are usually inundated for short periods during the year but may be saturated for much of the growing season. In northeastern, central, and western Oklahoma (i.e., excluding the Coastal Plain and the Oklahoma panhandle), this association occurs in floodplains, backswamps, and lake margins This community is characterized by tall, dense graminoids with moderate forb diversity and few woody species. The dominant species, Spartina pectinata, can form near monocultures in some locations. Common species include Carex annectens, Carex blanda, Eleocharis spp., Juncus interior, Juncus torreyi, Panicum virgatum, Rumex altissimus, and Verbena hastata. Other characteristic species in Oklahoma include Ammannia coccinea, Paspalum laeve, Pluchea odorata, and Vernonia baldwinii, and in Kansas include Asclepias incarnata, Symphyotrichum lanceolatum (= Aster lanceolatus), Baptisia alba var. macrophylla (= Baptisia lactea), Helianthus grosseserratus, and Scirpus atrovirens.
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