EcoArt 2002
This alliance is one of the most widespread wooded alliances in the western United States; there are currently over 50 plant associations in this alliance. The alliance is found throughout the western half of the U.S. and southwestern Canada, as well as the Trans-Pecos of Texas and the western portions of the Great Plains, such as in western Oklahoma and the Dakotas. Sites are dry/dry-mesic to xeric, and soils are generally well-drained and coarse-textured. ~Pinus ponderosa$ often dominates these woodlands, but codominant species may include ~Pseudotsuga menziesii$, other ~Pinus$ species, and species of ~Juniperus, Abies$, or ~Picea$. The understory ranges from dense shrub or graminoid layers to barren rock. The associated plant species vary with changes in geography and environmental conditions. Associated trees include species of ~Pinus, Quercus, Juniperus, Abies, Pseudotsuga, Populus$, and ~Picea$. Shrubs can include species of ~Arctostaphylos, Artemisia, Cercocarpus, Ceanothus, Symphoricarpos, Physocarpus, Rosa, Purshia$, and others. Important graminoids include species of ~Carex, Elymus, Poa, Festuca, Muhlenbergia, Piptochaetium$, and many others.
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Plot-observations of this Community Concept: